
But despite Lakewood’s size, there are several factors that would have made it an imperfect venue to serve as a major overnight shelter during the hurricane’s worst days: It has no showers and no kitchen, its parking garage is underground, and it is located right off Interstate 69, which suffered major flooding.

the Thomas Kinkade-signed portrait of a bloated, corpselike creature

Wow, he’s been around since a grown adult’s childhood? Huh. I had assumed he’d been around for like...maybe 10 years, max.

Upon further reading the name of the town was supposed to be “Conchilla”

I have a friend who is defending this ALL OVER THE PLACE. She keeps writing “you want to be an athlete then you need to perform like one. Splits are required of everyone so she has no business even thinking about cheerleading.”

Jesus, I was 6 for the majority of second grade, and I know that’s still not THAT uncommon nowadays. Having kids (with no developmental delays) 2 years apart in the same grade sounds like a massive challenge for educators and students. I imagine it’s an environment ripe for bullying.

I have known more than one hooker named Chella. I also knew a stripper named Chella.

They were all perfectly nice women. Still, I find the whole idea of “Coachella” repulsive. I’m not entirely sure why, because other music festivals don’t particularly bother me. I think it’s something about that particular crowd and

I had the entire series, but I let someone borrow it a couple years ago. Now I wanna go get it back because, as much as I love the “AIDS Burger” scene, I know that one wasn’t his best. He had so many that were even better—he stole every scene he was in. As a queer person from Louisiana (with family in Lafayette,

Mosquito larvae is a really important food source for some aquatic species, at least in the swamps. Cockroaches help break stuff down pretty quickly.

Seriously? They have personalities? You know, living where I do, where mosquitoes are ubiquitous and unavoidable, I’ve occasionally convinced myself that they’re doing things that are like...unique to the individual, or that they’re capable of relatively complex decision making.  But I thought I was just literally

Woops, sorry--I thought I had included the link. The source is in the caption of the image in this post:

Ugh...I went looking for it

I kinda thought that “examine” might = “figure out what they may know, have overheard, etc.,” at least in part.

Ah ok.

Here in NOLA, they were sold as a way to like...put the education of the children in the community back into the hands of the community. Or something. Whatever it was, I remember it being very warm-fuzzy. Fuckers. The only thing I hate more is the goddamn voucher system.

Do charter schools really count as an “alternative method of instruction,” though?

And there’s nothing inherently different about charter schools that would cause students who struggled under the “standard” model to flourish.

Charter schools are simply a more blatant way to apply a business approach to education, but


Interesting observation. I’d never noticed that, but now that I think about it, yeah, the background is always run-down, shabby, or just...obviously not designed by someone with an eye and a purpose. It’s like it’s saying “a simple person did this.”

Sweet Jesus, I couldn’t even watch the whole thing. So much secondhand embarrassment.

for real

A cream jacket with a white shirt and a yellow bowtie? What the fuck was this guy thinking when he got dressed this morning?