
Oh god, don’t go there, come on.

LOL you scared, quivering little man. Go clean your guns and fantasize about being “attacked” by 13-year old brown kids.

omg this is beautiful

Wow, I hadn’t heard about this.

Holy hell, I did not know about this.

Agreed. So weird.

This is so weird. How do you even know if you have a “pretty” pussy? What makes it pretty? To me, that’s like saying someone has a pretty armpit or ear or something. How can you even tell? And good lord, I have never heard a man complain about the aesthetics of ANY vulva. I mean I know that women have cosmetic surgery

Hi Mykki, I honestly can’t believe what my eyes are reading. I am so very sorry to hear that you had to experience... 1/4

Why do people love to hate Lindsay Lohan so much? What am I missing?

I’m asking honestly. I don’t remember her doing anything egregious, but then again, I wasn’t exactly paying attention to early-2000s celebrity hijinks.

omg lol @ your name

Awesome! That reminds me, I need to change my last name. I chose it a few years back before I really knew much about Calhoun, only because I saw it on a street sign and thought, “Eh, good enough.” :(

Based on your description, this guy sounds like a well-meaning but misguided pest.

(Srsly...what is up with her skin?)

LOL Wow. That sure is...something. How the F did that get through? Good lord.

I’m sorry, but you met your husband when you were 20, no?

Yes yes yes yes yes.

I’ve started just being honest and saying yes, I do want a long-term, secure relationship. I do want love. I don’t want to be single. And that doesn’t make me pathetic. It doesn’t mean that I’m not trying hard enough, or that I’m trying too hard, or that I’m not being a whole person, or that I’m

I love you for this comment.

Thank you thank you thank you!! You are wonderful and I hope you have a kick-ass week!

I hear ya. I’m not gonna start on my Jill Stein/third party rant, but I agree that this is super important—more important than most “OMG I NEVER BOTHER WITH LOCAL ELECTIONS BUT I DO ENJOY SELF-RIGHTEOUSLY COMPLAINING ABOUT THE 2 PARTY SYSTEM EVERY 4 YEARS” people realize.

Thank you thank you thank you!!! :) Please pray or wish on a star or send good vibes or do some spells or whatever it is you can to send us good luck on Dec 10!!