
No, it doesn’t. With legalization, the state is your pimp, even if you’re one of the many sex workers who didn’t have a pimp to begin with.

Not really, but OK I guess, if you don’t mind forcing sex workers to register with the state and only allowing them to work under an employer to whom they must pay not only room and board and required fees, but a huge portion of their earnings.

It is confusing because there are a ton of sex workers reading your ignorant yammering and wondering why the hell you’re using the term “decriminalization” when you mean “the nordic model.”

For someone who hasn’t done a whole lot of research, you’re pretty much 100% right in your assumptions.

Legalization does not protect sex workers from police, and police are one of the greatest threats to our safety. On the contrary, legalization often makes it easier for police (and the state in general) to exploit and victimize us. That’s one of the many reasons why most sex workers favor decriminalization.

I trade time for money. That is not illegal.

If you mean to ask why I choose to do sex work, here’s your answer: it’s lucrative, it’s fun, and I love being my own boss. That’s why a lot of sex workers choose it.

Fuck you, some of us would rather “take random dick” (you realize our clients are real fucking people, right? Or do you think only monsters enjoy intimacy?) than wait tables for $2.13/hour plus whatever pocket change some shitbag customer decides to leave.

Then criminalize hotel housekeeping, au pair-ing, restaurant work, and farm labor, because those are the sectors where most human trafficking happens. Oh, but then you might have to pay more for a hotel, or for organic veggies, or for a dinner at a romantic restaurant. And that’s out of the question, right?

Do you get an “empowered women’s sexuality feeling” when you see a woman working at McDonald’s? What about when you see a hotel housekeeper? And yet, I don’t see you arguing to criminalize their labor. Who the F do you think you are, the sex police? Jobs do not have to be empowering, and they do not have to have your

Check it out:

Rachel Moran? Really? That’s the best you can come up with? Ever wonder why NONE of her supporters are sex workers? Ever wonder why no one can corroborate her story?

You know absolutely nothing about cops or sex workers, then.

Oh really? Fuck you.

You ARE sitting here rattling off your opinion. I know a hell of a lot more about trafficking in Eastern Europe than you do.

I appreciate your willingness to be educated, but I am, I think understandably, extremely emotional about this topic because it directly affects ME and many, many of the people I know, work with,

Current sex workers? Because every sex worker I know (and I know quite a few, since I’m, ya know, a sex worker and a sex workers’ rights activist) didn’t. We’re the ones who spoke to Amnesty, and we’re the ones who are signing something completely different.

At least you’re honest.

Fuck you and your tone argument.

I’m so fucking tired of hearing this, I can’t even.

God, I love you. Have I told you that lately? Consider it done.

“and will not be harassed by law enforcement”’re kidding, right?