
There’s a big difference between people who “study” sex work and people who actually, you know, do it. But guess whose opinion carries more weight? Hint: it’s usually not the ones with relevant life experience.

Do more research. Or, talk to sex workers.

Can you not read?? Are you f-ing kidding me? THIS IS NOT DECRIM. This is a group of shady prostitution prohibitionists convincing people that Amnesty International wants to “legalize” pimping, which is NOT what decrim is. Amnesty International has spent YEARS researching this, and talking to US (real live sex

No, you’re not. They are NOT pro-decrim. Jesus, would y’all listen to us? The Swedish model is NOT decrim.

They are not pro-decrim. Jesus, what the hell is going on here? Can no one read? They are pro-Swedish model, which puts sex workers in danger and is NOT decrim.

I would caution you to sit down, stfu, and LISTEN TO SEX WORKERS. We know more about this than you do.

Ughhhhh that’s why I can’t smoke weed :(

I think this is the greatest story ever told.

Sundews are great, too. Living fly paper.

Type 2 is a really complex disease. People like to focus on what diseases are the patient's "fault" and which diseases affect "innocent" patients. There are several genes associated with Type 2, and it's possible that the disease causes the weight gain that most people assume causes the disease.

My ex was Type 1,

Type 1s judge you. They judge you hard.

It's nasty.

Now playing

The garment industry is problematic to say the least, especially as concerns its "preferability" to sex work. This isn't a matter of "well, there's a small chance this product is helping at least a few women, despite their weird ad photo." This is a matter of hurting women, and of perpetuating a stigma that puts sex

Why should people who work for a noble cause do so for free? Are employees of private companies the only ones who deserve to be able to eat and pay rent?

To prohibitionists, all sex work is sex slavery. So they're referring to women who "choose" (often under coercion) to stop doing sex work and enter the garment industry.

You saved me the trouble of posting this.

Oh, go to hell.

Ugh, I'm so sorry. That must be terrible. Especially since (I assume) you can't say/do shit about it because you're at work and it's customer service.

I know this is totally screwed up and NOT the right way to go about dealing with people who purposely misgender trans individuals, but that kind of cruelty pisses me off so much that I want to go to your mother's house, be sweet as pie, mind my manners to a T (I'm talking textbook Emily Post etiquette), and misgender

"Angry radical feminist" attempts to force second grade teacher to adopt a non-school-board-approved sex ed curriculum consisting only of feeding children vulva-shaped cookies and instructing them in the art of sexually pleasuring people who have vulvas. Teacher refuses. And then she wishes domestic violence on the

