
Ah yes the ancient and unstoppable wisdom of “whoever smelt’ it dealt’ it.” Dunlap should have called no take-backs, or at least enacted the notwithstanding clause, “I’m rubber, you’re glue” so the Entercom accusation that he delt’ it is automatically negated. Neither party seems willing to pinky swear to any of these

You know how I know you’re gay?


Turns out Dunlap is the father.

Moved to Wisconsin a few years ago. Start with the Packers ownership.

It should be obvious in hindsight. A real homophobe wouldn’t have correctly spelled “you’re”.

Just saying none of this would have happened if sports talk radio was illegal as it should be. 

Bears fan here. Go ahead with the Packers ownership.

“Good thing I’ve got no one above me.”

It might have been tempting to Robert Kraft to keep him on staff, but he did the right thing, and I say we all give him a hand. 

“Listen, Bill, I understand his talent but if anyone here is doing sex crimes, they’ll be paying to get their dick jacked in the back room of a shady massage parlor in Florida, like a respectable adult. You understand me?”

One is just not enough.

You can just throw them out of windows??”

Nobody was down on O.J. Simpson until after the Naked Gun movies came out either

So are we to assume he has a half finished mural in his house?

Guys, I’m starting to think that Antonio Brown might be an asshole.

Lol completely worthless I wonder how he ended up on the ground and why he remained there for the entire fight 

Great, now I have to jerk off.

Chief Wigwam couldn’t hurdle a single row let alone break up a beer fight. Blue seats matter.

But is his dick ok? Deadspin has really changed, man. 

No one ever said switching to triathlons was easy.  RIP