Noisy Pip

I haven’t seen a lot of these because... well, I knew better, but a few seem odd here considering other things exist. Like say, Highlander 2: The Quickening. I mean is that not on this list, on this site of all places?  Or Star Trek V: The Final Frontier?

I’m not going to argue that Grease II is an overlooked gem or that it isn’t a large downgrade from the original, but it isn’t a bad film either. Certainly better than most of the others on the list. The whole secret identity “Cool Rider” subplot is a bit silly, but at least they tried something a little bit different

I’m guessing she deleted her tweet after her lawyers told her keep the drama offline and just keep trying to use them or courts to get whatever is going sorted out.  It an look really bad in custody disputes to post things online regarding the situation.

I’m sorry the NSA and CIA are pretty good guys? That’s just. No. Even the most Jingoistic of jingoistic Americans recognizes both the CIA and NSA are inherently flawed and incredibly frightening. Cheney and Bush aren’t elder statesman, they are unfortunately the lesser evil compared to the bullshit that came later;

Are you for real? This was an attempted coup on American soil by a party that refused peaceful transfer of power. Frankly this is worse than 9/11 in the sense that it was “Americans” who attacked us.  

If DeSantis is that afraid of a 15 year old boy what’s going to happen when he meets a real strongman like Putin or Xi. Will DeSantis soil himself on camera or just insult a world leader and then go on Fox to whine.

What makes Jan 6th so much different is that we were attacked by our fellow citizens stirred up by other fellow citizens.

What the fuck mixed feelings can you have about it?  Angry, sure.

But what is there to be confused about? A bunch of ill-informed idiots play-acting revolutionaries were egged on by a petty, desperate moron to charge the capital.  Be embarassed you share a country with them, sure.  But confused?  That doesn’t track.

This should really be bigger news. DeSantis is such a snowflake that he can’t handle hard (but straightforward) questions from a teenager. The man is no good at politics and clearly doesn’t care about the well-being of kids. If I were that kid’s mom, I’d go straight to the local news about my son being manhandled.

Hi, I’m old enough to remember! And I don’t know what the fuck you’re even talking about - the only place where the most important thing in the world was to prosecute G-Dubs and Dick for war crimes was Daily Kos. The rest of the USA didn’t care and the world wasn’t going to move an inch. Shit, some docs were filed at

I always found it odd when republican politicians, like Sarah Palin, would gripe about “gotchya” questions. Like, excuse me, but becoming president means having to answer even more difficult questions without resorting to such antics much less over one coming from a 15 y/o boy.

Yeah but none of us went around claiming the planes were flown by law abiding citizens just wanting to tour NYC, DC and a field in PA, or that AntiFa was actually the group that was working with Bin Laden.

I can’t believe what I just read. Absolutely baffling.

Your premise is flawed. If during WWII someone refused to acknowledge the rounding up and torture and murder of Jewish people and, after the end of the war with documentary evidence and video showing the gas chambers and hard evidence of the Holocaust and then afterward someone asked that same person “was the Third

Move on? This wasn’t a natural disaster, it was a concerted action, planned and executed by criminals and terrorists. We will move on when they’re in jail.

I’d add that this happened in the last election cycle - and the main motivating cause is running again while being faced with multiple charges including ones directly linked to the insurrection.

LOL I know plenty of people who haven’t moved on from 9/11, and while I don’t know for sure, I’d guess the primary reason is that we never removed or dealt with the underlying cause. Two decades, billions of dollars and thousands of soldiers’ lives later, the Taliban is still running wild in Afghanistan ruining the

Uh...did you support January 6, or, failing that, spend months kissing the ass of the guy who organized and hoped to primarily benefit from January 6? No? Then you don’t need to justify it. Ron DeSantis does.

Nothing says free speech and American family values like silencing, intimidating and potentially assaulting a minor while calling him a liar in front of a bunch of people that witnessed the interaction.

This show cemented for me how much I love Hoult as an actor. His Peter was equal parts threatening and endearing, and the fact that you were ROOTING for a spoiled psycho like this shows the intricacy of the performance. The rest of the cast was great too, although some of the side characters were oddly utilized at