Noisy Pip

A friend who is a network series writer has told me that for traditional TV writing - as opposed to movies - the general rule is that you make sure every major plot point is mentioned twice at different times precisely because of what you’re mentioning: you expect your viewer more than likely to be distracted during

I thought the same. He had a pretty imposing presence in “You Were Never Really Here,” too, but the everything I’ve found says his height is 5'8".

After watching this trailer, which went a long way toward selling me on this movie, I couldn’t figure out how movie magic could have possibly made Joaquin Phoenix look short. TIL, he’s actually 5'8"!  Who knew?  I always thought he was kind of a beanpole and I was wrong again.  

Hotel Coolgardie is a fascinating documentary and I’m surprised it’s only mentioned in this article in passing.  Big recommend.  

And thankfully failing at that.  

Thank you!  From all accounts I’ve seen, they were having dinner together, which is not, in fact, partying.  

You need to click the right arrow to continue on with the video.  There are four in all.  

Petrovsky was about as exactly needy but only on my terms as Carrie, IMO, and they’d never have worked out. He’s probably closer to what she deserved, but I do agree Big and Carrie made the most sense.

Hard agree!! Aiden was always too good for Carrie and it’s annoying they’re bringing him back to likely get his heart broken again. I say likely because Carrie is a selfish asshole.

Taking her at her word, she believes the United States government literally came close to being overthrown on January 6. That’s just plain dumb.

Just Breathe by Pearl Jam is a lovely song, but surprised to see it here!  Love the variety.  

My husband gets up anywhere between 3:45am - 5:15am, naturally. He also tends to fall asleep on the couch by 7:30pm at the latest. Unfortunately, this means I mostly also wake up very early when he starts doing his morning routine and, consequently, go to bed around 8:30pm because my sleep is precious to me.

This warmed my heart.  Thank you for sharing!

I, Tonya is what won me over.  It’s unlikely you haven’t seen it, but just in case, it’s so worth it!

I’m glad he’s in a better place with a different perspective now. It always bums me out to hear he was unhappy playing Dwight and, from various accounts I’ve read, doesn’t really enjoy fans going hard with their Dwight love. The Office is infinitely rewatchable and Dwight will always be my favorite character.

I agree. I was going to suggest Wet Hot American Summer be replaced with either Talladega Nights or The Other Guys, but it looks like those were both PG-13 rather than R-rated.

People can’t even manage to do their gender reveal parties without starting massive fires.  This is not a great idea for the general public.  

Mostly related, we binged Bupkis yesterday and loved it. It had solid laughs and a surprising amount of sentimental bittersweet feels.

Edie Falco’s face was slightly distracting with her cheek fillers, but all the cameos and guest spots were entertaining.  

I had a mole on my shoulder removed and my doctor called in the evening to tell me it was melanoma. At the time, I didn’t understand it was serious and basically said, ok, cool - what happens next? She said she was going to send me to a specialist and we got off the phone. She called back about ten minutes later and

Today I learned Season 5 was divisive. There were only the three episodes, but I enjoyed them all, especially Striking Vipers.