Noisy Pip

Thank you! I was waiting for someone, ANYONE, to point out that no, I certainly don’t know any woman that finds them attractive. Maybe it’s because I’m an old.

You missed only two! One I saw another poster bring up already, Lost Highway.

After watching the episode myself on Friday evening, I think you’re right that it was Ben. My second guess now that I’ve seen it would be Shauna. My husband thinks my Shauna theory is way off base, and it may be, but she’s the only one who was truly upset about not being the leader.

I saw someone suggest elsewhere that it was probably Misty that set the fire, being peeved she wasn’t given the new leadership position.  That tracks and I’m betting it will be her, but she’ll blame Coach Ben.  

Even though we are clearly shown Misty has little to no empathy for others, she still came out swinging when she saw Natalie was about to relapse. She was working with Walter in order to find Natalie, because Natalie was her “best friend.” She’s protective at weird times and I find her character so interesting. Like,

Adult Misty is easily my favorite character and I keep finding myself hoping (against all evidence otherwise) that she’s simply misunderstood.  That hope keeps getting further and further out of reach.  

I tend to read these recaps in the morning before I watch the show after work, which usually adds to my enthusiasm. This week, I feel kinda sad after reading and am less eager to watch this episode.

I don’t tend to make “real” friendships with my co-workers, but I have noticed a lack of compassion or empathy when it comes to how busy worker A may be when worker B needs something from them. When we were all in the office, it was easy to see how swamped everyone was at times and give them a little grace. Working

Funny Games tops my list. It fucked me up and I didn’t want to be alone in my house for days after watching it.  Eden Lake had the same effect.  

In hindsight, I guess I should have realized it for sure wasn’t a person in the house with them.  Because this show tends to throw curveballs (ala the sand swallow in the silo), I had myself convinced Sally couldn’t have done all that damage on her own, but I was for sure wrong.  

Yesterday was saved by the near-constant breeze in Edmonds, at least as far as outside goes. Inside our place stayed oppressively hot from Friday evening on - thankfully, we have a little AC unit for our bedroom or I wouldn’t have slept at all.

I wondered if Sally had destroyed the house, too.

The Forest, The Walk and my personal favorite, In Between Days, are all represented. I’m going to allow this list even if it’s out of order.  

Looks like they fixed it.

Not only is the title updated, but the pics are fixed.  Thank you!!!  

If you’re going to include pictures in an article explicitly mentioning dressing fancy, why cut the pics and miss most of their outfits?  

Irene CARA!  

Which suggests he’s not much of an actor. Because that’s him.

I think Night of the Comet just hit me at exactly the right age. It came out in 1984 and I probably first saw it on cable in 1985, when I was 12. To me, those girls were the coolest and all I wanted was to have a fashion show montage in an empty mall, preferably with my non-Uzi submachine gun nearby.

It’s funny to me now, but at the time (roughly 1993), it was very serious business to me. I worked at a video store and went through a distributor; I think it had gone out of print for a while or something silly like that.