I’m pretty sure he was in every tv show I watched when I was a kid growing up. Then I checked out his career on IMDb and saw that, yes, he was in every show that I watched as a kid. Definitely the That Guy of That Guys
I’m pretty sure he was in every tv show I watched when I was a kid growing up. Then I checked out his career on IMDb and saw that, yes, he was in every show that I watched as a kid. Definitely the That Guy of That Guys
It’s true, this guy was in everything. He may have shirked this mortal coil today, but he will live forever on film.
Dude reads your stuff for a decade and the only thing he understands less than the point of what you write is how to spell your name.
Lol... you are so fucking blind and dumb it’s just pathetic.
The one thing that keeps going through my mind is that Trump, in spite of his bluster, is clearly and obviously softer than a baby's ass, and an event that fell as flat as Tulsa would break him. Deep down inside, I think he's really afraid of the humiliation.
You’re not an intelligent person and nobody values anything you have to say.
Yeah, this isn’t hard to figure out. Trump hates most of being President. The only thing he hates more is the idea of losing an election. He will literally do anything to win this election. His narcissism tells him the best way to win is to be more Trumpy, which means dumber, louder, and more defiant of eggheads who…
That tit just loves the word “Sir”, doesn’t he?
If they skipped the payroll tax bails outs and other shit for corporations and just have every american universal basic income for 3 months
Trump is a homicidal sociopath cut in the same fabric as Charles Manson. Like Manson, Trump is too much of a coward to do the killing himself. He relies on his deranged followers to do the dirty work for him. This country is now being ruled by a genocidal dictator and I am completely dumbfounded at the lack of…
Literally not a single part of reality agrees with you. This is just sad seeing.
He is dropping in the polls and the old scam isn’t working.
I mean the only reason he is canceling the outdoor part of that inevitable shit show in Jacksonville is because the police said “Hey fat ass we cannot provide adequate security on short notice.” I mean I really wanted to see small crowds with no masks on, in the middle of this cheering this bloated turd on. Oh he…
Reality is like water. You can armor and isolate yourself from it with as much denial and stupidity as you want, but it’s only a matter of time before it finds a crack to seep in and erodes away your defenses until they crumble.
Trump and the RNC will make some money off this.
“I can’t imagine that anyone could live with Mike Tyson and not recognize that there was a problem.” Robin Givens
Only every Trump supporter saw that image and immediately thought, “Such a hard working man! Why won’t the press just leave him alone to do God’s work?”
Yeah, I think he is doing everything he can to turn the narrative towards how great he is.
I think he’s getting tired of losing, he’s already given up trying to get that stupid payroll tax cut so now he doesn’t want to be humiliated again by a small crowd.