While I’d personally never choose to go it alone, I will say removal was *nothing* compared to the intense pain of insertion or to the pain of the nasty cramps that go with your first few months with an IUD.
While I’d personally never choose to go it alone, I will say removal was *nothing* compared to the intense pain of insertion or to the pain of the nasty cramps that go with your first few months with an IUD.
Gorgeous!! He is forgiven for his strange addiction.
One of my old cats (RIP Sully) was a plastic grocery bag licker of the highest order. The noise was annoying, but it was so much better than cleaning up the barfs that result from this one eating it.
Plastic. All day, every day, when I forget and leave any thing wrapped in plastic around for him to chew on. He does eat it, too, which results in lots of frustrating messes to clean up. His favorite plastic is the toilet paper wrap, which he only gets to when I forget to firmly shut all bathroom doors.
I watched a good bulk of it when it first showed up in my sidebar (I tend to leave true crime videos on auto-play while at work, so not too out of the norm*) and I still can’t shake it from my recommends.
I often conflate the two, as well. I enjoyed Lisey’s Story on my first readthrough far more than Rose Madder, but upon rereading (over and over again as I tend to do with my books), Rose Madder wins in the longrun. Viva ze bool.
I’d think Rose Madder would have been a pretty straightforward one to adapt to film and…
Roller derby should do the trick!
“From the director of I, Tonya”
Yup, I’m in.
You answered a question I had before I even realized I had a question to ask. Thanks!
Ohhh, I like this one, too. It’ll fit right in with my playlists everyone tells me are too depressing, but I love the mood.
Thank you so much for the introduction! Her voice is perfection and she has a new fan.
The last link in the article is the quickest refresher into who they are and why they got so much attention outside of being married to a creepster who was 35 years older.
This is, of course, the correct answer.
It wasn’t as entertaining as I had hoped, but it wasn’t terrible. After it ended, my final verdict was that it was somehow too long and too short at the same time.
Very strong username/comment synergy.
I wondered if it was the same person, too.
While Dr Emilio’s imposter has been at it for much longer, in the last week or two, I’ve seen a dudebra imposter specifically here at The Root posting some pretty hateful things.
I’m still watching it as soon as I can. No one can take away the time I’m going to waste attempting to enjoy this. I need harmless and silly fun!
I don’t comment much, but I do read and then run through the comment section on as many articles as I can a day, flagging and flagging. I’ve always wondered if it’s helpful or not.
My Mom, over 70 now, still dyes her hair the darkest black. I gently nudge her to maybe go just a few shades lighter? Nope. She likes it exactly as it is.