Faaaaack! Lemon cake PTSD.
Faaaaack! Lemon cake PTSD.
I think I gave this book three tries before I got through it the first time. The story as a whole is delightful, but it did take a while to grab me. I hope the audible approach works for you.
The only one covered would possibly be the Riverlands, if at least one Frey was left in charge at Riverrun before Walder/Arya called everyone home to be poisoned like the dogs they were.
Just a plothole, as you suggested, I guess. As far as I can remember in the books, many, if not all, of the Sand Snakes had different mothers.
In the books (I know, I know), he did have eight daughters, but the others were too young to have been part of the Sand Snakes and their plots.
If you didn’t get a chance to play the video of the orchestra above, a quick viewing of it proves your point and then some. That guy is WORKING.
You make an excellent point I had forgotten. I believe they even had a conversation about burning all the bodies, including Wun-Wun’s, for exactly that reason.
I feel like if Dany dies, Drogon will die in the same scene. Rheagal may have a chance to share some of Jon Snow’s plot armor and make it out alive.
I hadn’t heard about his promise! I don’t know if it is true or not, but today, I choose to believe it 100%. Of course, if Arya doesn’t survive, I will hold you personally accountable. :)
I posted this elsewhere, where I am forever gray, but this is the first GOT trailer that has given me a dose of anxiety along with my crazed excitement.
Is that a real photo? Fucking disgusting. He looks worse than the muscle portion of the Bodies Exhibition.
Please always feel free to respond with pics of your pets, too! I can never resist pet pics and truthfully, I kind of live for them.
My tabby, Helo, is a very typical tabby. He’s full of piss and vinegar with his brother, Crush, and is simultaneously the neediest cat I’ve ever had when it comes to human interaction.…
Each season the costumes manage to top the previous season and that itself is an achievement!
Their pizza is meh, but I could live on Crazy Bread for the rest of my life.
The photoshopping/smoothing of those pics offends me deeply, but Sansa’s dress makes up for all. The costume designers need a gigantic bonus for that dress alone; it’s fucking amazing.
Everything I’ve earned thus far, plus an IOU on all future earnings.
While I didn’t necessarily want to see the scene or to see Lady Stoneheart, I think the most significant of Arya’s warg dreams is the one where Nymeria pulls Catelyn from the river and I was sorry they didn’t find a way to fit that into the greater storyline on the series.
Much like the constant mention of the comet and what it may mean over the series of books, the continually growing wolf pack is mentioned by or around every single character throughout the novels and I was disappointed to not see those little mentions included in the TV series.
How did I have to scroll this far down to see a mention of the Sour Grapes?!? I tried to master their dances, but even as a child I had zero rhythm.