I want to believe and when you say it with such certainty, it gives me a faith boost.
The Pat McGrath palette she listed has more than one option I would absolutely try, at the very least in the privacy of my bathroom mirror.
I can wear pale pink eye shadow and clothes for days (the color of that fantastic sweater above, ideally), but I’m a little too splotchy to pull off a color so bold. For the same reason, I can’t do a true red lipstick.
I would kill to be able to wear that shade of eye shadow. Gorgeous!
That was GLORIOUS!!!
I give it up for those who have read that line so I’ll never have to! I hated those asides, and I only read about them in the recaps.
I was pretty confident I was picking up what you were laying down and I figured we were all on the same page. Synergy!
Seriously! The editor, if there actually was one, should resign in shame. Prior to reading Jenny’s recaps, I knew the story was bad, but I didn’t understand how poor the writing was. Now that I understand a bit more about it, the word repetition alone should have killed the series.
I call Big McLargehuge, both as my own name and the name of my partner.
Although the series took a downturn after the fifth or sixth book, the first few Sookie Stackhouse books are wonderful trashy reads.
His statement about their presumed allegiance to King Trump was pretty fucking telling in itself.
There are worse kinds of psychic vampires to be!
I wondered if she had! I only tend to skim through Twitter when I’m home after work, so hadn’t seen this yet. I checked the blog a few times today, wondering if she’d write a post about it. Thank you for the tip!
I tried the first movie, as I even tried to read the first Twilight book, but I wasn’t able to get very far. I know the actors are capable of acting, as I’ve seen them perform adequately elsewhere, but it was just terrible. I may have made it halfway before getting bored and turning it off, but I did try!
Curious if your spouse read and enjoyed the series? I’m assuming they read it, since they recommended you do so in order to get the inside jokes. Everyone is allowed to have a few flaws, so no judgment if your spouse was a fan. :) Ok, maybe a little judgment, but just a little.
It’s especially absurd when you consider the “average” size of women in America has increased. I use my quotes on “average” before the fatty haters jump in to tell me how unhealthy and gross I am and how it’s not at all normal. They can choke on my left tit. Thanks!
I’m currently waiting impatiently for the next Buffy recap, which was promised a little bit ago. Fingers crossed for the post tomorrow!