Hear, hear. I’m in full agreement.
I agree!
I pulled up a pic of Gerry from the film, and you’re right. It isn’t his bushy eyebrows so much as it is his sad sack face with those eyebrows.
I hope your church is, at the very least, consistent on their pro-life views. I’m guessing, if you attend, it must be and I’ll tip my hat to them for that.
For his accent alone, John Hannah’s character’s other sins can be ignored.
You may be right.
Honestly, the fact that the Republicans polled weren’t 98% against abolishing ICE isn’t just surprising, it’s kind of shocking.
You’re right to feel cynical, no doubt.
Someone above suggested Sticker Sally. I liked that one, too!
This is an excellent point. Indecent exposure, and all the sex offense charges that go with it, should absolutely be included in the list of charges for this garbage person.
And here I thought Lucky jeans were expensive! Ouch, I hope those are magical because they’d have to last me five years to justify the expense.
My experience is limited to that single trip, but that was my biggest beef. I had, at one time, three pairs of jeans in the exact same size, and none of them were actually the same size or the same length. I wondered aloud to my girlfriend if someone had swapped the labels in the sweatshop the day they made that…
I think you’ve pinpointed why I may never be able to buy Old Navy jeans. They just don’t work with my body type. Yes, I’m short and yes, I’m fat, but unlike others who may be my height and weight, I’m pretty well proportioned and evened out. From my terrible trip there many years ago, if a pair of jeans comfortably…
A while back, maybe as far as 2006, I had lost some weight and was wearing a size 12 jeans in Levis. Despite not shopping there previously because none of their clothes fit me, I hit up Old Navy with a girlfriend to grab some cheap jeans and build up my wardrobe in my new size.
I can definitely feel the Ripley vibes in the image, but I thought it was Amy Adams when I glanced at the photo in the sidebar. I immediately pulled up the article to get a better view.