Noisy Pip

I owned Ever After and watched it to pieces. I was probably a little older than the targeted demographic, even though my memory tells me this movie came out when I was 20, I was actually 25. I’ll chalk that up to my semi-sheltered upbringing and general immaturity in my 20s. Even with the corny faux-accents and the

On top of everything else, she is really a terrible actress. I hadn’t ever seen the clip of her saying these words, only read a recap, and she can barely keep the smirk from her face.  

I think they’re referring to this article on AV Club:

It kind of sounds like Susan Tedeschi singing backup in this one.
Edit to add: it *is* Susan Tedeschi. I love her scratchy voice.

A big thank you to Erik Adams! I had never heard “The Weight” as sung by Aretha Frankin until today. “Say A Little Prayer” was my favorite until I heard this.

I hate how much I agree with this on my more pessimistic days.  

I used to love those threads

If there’s a fine line between pleasure and pain and Pinhead tells me he has such sights to show me, I’d have to pick the Cenobites.

Exactly. Hence my waiting for Mark Burnett to grow a conscience comment above.

That, or it’s possibly her victory scream upon escaping from her captivity.

This is crazy cruel, even by reality TV standards.  

Isn’t Dino now running for Reichert’s soon to be vacated seat? I’d almost admire his refusal to lay down and die, except he’s foul and should, in fact, lay down and die.

I wondered if the spiderweb style was chosen to maybe hide what little flab she may have...and also to punish her for having that extra jiggle.

True. The time for Burnett to have put the monster he HUGELY helped create back into the cage has long since passed.

I kept scrolling back up to that pic like, is this a real outfit?

Here is me waiting on Mark Burnett to grow a conscience...

For real. I was wondering if they had to search high and low for a photo that unflattering, or if it was the first hit when they searched.

I own that book and enjoyed it so much, I’ve given it as a fun little gift to a few friends. 

I’ve always used a mouse with my right hand at work, but that is mostly because of the ways desks are set up. At home, I use my mouse with my left hand. I’ve tried a left handed keyboard, but my typing habits are too ingrained and I wasn’t able to comfortably make the switch.