Noisy Pip

This is just cruel and evil enough to work.

You’re right and that’s very much my point.

I hadn’t thought of that before, but I will start using it in that way.  I like it!

He explains privilege better than anyone I’ve ever read or heard.

I am the perfect sappy audience for this movie and I even got choked up reading the review. This line, in particular

I have a word I occasionally slip up and say. It’s a word I hate, but it is also a word I am trying to eradicate from my vocabulary all together and when I do catch myself using it, I stop and apologize to whoever I’m talking to because it’s an ugly word. That word is “retard” and the reason I slip up and say it on a

I initially gave you a flippant reply and that was rude. Upon thinking about it more and in the interest of hearing what I may be missing, can you explain where this is a loss for the side of truth?

I feel the same way. Sure, it’s a real long shot that his lawyers will allow it in the first place, but if he bulldozes over them, I can only imagine good things from there. 

YES!! I keep sayi g they’ll have to bury him at sea because his grave will immediately become the most frequented toilet in the country.

Then I guess it’s a great thing they aren’t the ones running this investigation, huh?

This is me reading that they won’t accept written testimony

Actually, they love convincing people they are persecuted, but they actually are not in any way, shape or form, hence playing victim is both what gives them life and the reason they are the way they are.

See also: gigantic neck tattoos.  I fucking hate them and it screams either mentally ill or I-hope-you-are-a-better-artist-than-most or you’ll regret that shit someday.  

Conservatives LOVE playing the victim, full stop.

I’ve been rewatching Girls while cleaning my house this week, so it’s possible the association wouldn’t be as strong if she weren’t so fresh in my mind.

Two days until his return and I am now really starting to feel that eagerness to see him again.

Think Lena Dunham, but at least 100 times less self-aware and 100 times more insufferable.  

My boyfriend does this with both of my cats and they are absolute putty in his hands. They used to worship me in an almost creepy way until he moved in and now they acknowledge that I live there, but only with the attention they’d give a disinterested roommate.

That’s definitely her and judging by what I’ve just seen on her profile, she isn’t medicated for her mental illness.  

I *LOVED* this movie! Thank you for reminding me it exists.