Noisy Pip

While I understand always wanting more of a thing you love, I really enjoyed the finality of the final episode of Buffy. S7 left some to be desired, but it also wrapped up the series in a really satisfying way for me.  And I feel the same way about Angel.  I’d have liked more and was just beginning to love the series,

That’s why in my mind, minus the comic books I’ve just learned of, they definitely did all die.

I just skimmed through a recap. I’m a weirdo who loves spoilers, although I’ll never intentionally spoil something for anyone else.

I haven’t read them, but now I’m curious on who survived and who didn’t. By that final episode, I was all-in for Illyria and I hoped she’d have at least made it.

Sadly, you are correct. 

You are definitely right that I don’t have to do it.

I’m kind of in love with your idea of him being a human descendant of Spike! Of course, no one can ever have the charisma and fun of Spike except for Spike himself, but it would be fun to see the actor back in the Buffyverse.

Randy Giles!  

I think your initial instincts are the right choice for you, then. You don’t have a price and it speaks to your character that you are making this crystal clear to him.

It’s a total Catch-22. I don’t want to be with someone who isn’t a functioning partner, and yet, I also miss my single girl weekends.

You aren’t alone in that dread. I’ve always done my own taxes and hate the idea of having to pay someone in order to possibly save a few bucks....because that’s not really saving anything.

I’ve actually tried this, where we negotiate a specific timeframe for his stuff and my stuff (even when my stuff only involves me mentally checking out and playing Fallout 4 for a few hours or surfing GMG sites for fun articles), but because of his ADHD, he tends to forget ten minutes into our scheduled “private time”

2017 was, unfortunately, my last year as a full-time student (even though I am an old lady) and, as such, I’ll lose out on that huge tax credit I was getting for those four years. Even though I claim zero and I have my mortgage interest to deduct, I still almost end up breaking even every year without that student

Anger levels maxed.

Claim zero to have the maximum withheld.  I’m not saying if that is right or wrong for you, but that’s how you have the max withheld.  

That was my first thought! Who are the extra four?

Permanent relationships are a marathon. Things that are mildly annoying in year three are going to be soul crushing by year thirteen.

I knew I had come to the right place for reassurance.  Thank you.  

King size and I’m sleeping diagonal across the whole thing. The bedroom is also the only room in the house with air conditioning and it *has* been pretty awesome.

I definitely didn’t know that.