Noisy Pip

Your fiance sounds very similar to my BF. He verges on needy, but it’s not negative like that. I generally thrive under his constant attention and barrage of affection, but it can still be very taxing.

I’m not quite at the excitement stage to see him yet, but I did find myself very much missing my hug and kiss before work this morning. I’m definitely not dreading seeing him and I’ll take that as positive.

Maybe I was just under the age threshold to appreciate them when “Africa” came out and, as such, they were kind of nerdy “parent” music to my ears.  Now, I can appreciate their music, but it still has that “parent” feeling for me.  

Thank you for the assurance!  Truly.  When I had this realization last night, I started to over-analyze and that never leads to good things.

Their cover of Hash Pipe was far better than I expected it would be!

That is an interesting quandary. It’d be extremely difficult for me to say no to such an offer, even knowing there would be little chance to extricate myself from the strings attached. I’m also proud to be self-reliant and to have bought my own house completely on my own prior to being married, but my student loan

Now playing

I can’t see the words “Making It” without reliving the dance scene from Meatballs. “Making It” *clap, clap*

My boyfriend left Monday afternoon for a five day hike and I’ve found myself sleeping better and feeling both more relaxed and more productive than I do when he is around. We generally spend almost all of our non-work time together and, even when we do make separate plans with our friends, it’s usually only for a few

Someone actually used her admission that she hasn’t driven in 20+ years last night to refute that Trump is out of touch. They actually said, “Well, I’d rather have him misspeak about this than vote for someone that hasn’t driven a car in over 20 years like Killary.”

If you want to be depressed, read the comment section of any local paper or TV station reporting on this stupid claim and you’ll find 50 - 100 supporters falling all over themselves to claim they do, in fact, have to show ID to buy groceries.

I never thought I’d find the ultra thin eyebrows appealing, and they aren’t for anyone else, but she manages to make them look amazing. 

I accept your promise happily and with applause!

I can’t remember if there is a scene just before or after that indicated their position for the Jez staff to come to this conclusion, but I agree it is possible in many ways. I was just quoting from the article above.

As upsetting as that huge seed is, I find the tiny seeds to be even more disturbing.  I always wonder if I should eat the avocado or if it’s broken.  

Related anecdote: I have pretty sensitive hearing and, for reasons I have yet to uncover, I get a physical response of massive anxiety when voices are raised above a certain level, but even those who know and love me have told me they want to punch me in the face when I tried giving them the Ross motion in your gif.

Seriously.  I think we found the guy at the next table and the call was coming from inside the house the whole time.  

I definitely think it counts, and they kind of included it in the list above with this one:

Or, alternately, just repeat “Jack, Rose, Jack, Jack, Rose.

And you can see he thinks his flavor is not too bad at all.  The only thing missing in the still shot is his approving nod.  

I came here to say the same thing.  And, I think I hate him just a little bit more for it.