Noisy Pip

I literally watched that episode last night. The sad thing is she wasn’t even lying; that is what she wanted to do. Poor Adriana.

Against their wills, they were made to pay him for being a fucking pig.

I think that’s a bass, but your point still stands and I had the same thought.  

My anxiety is through the roof. I’ll happily accept your chiding because your confidence is very soothing right now.

I’ll help.

I flag this crap every time on every article I see it on and then I come back and they’re ungreyed and without a star.  How does it happen?

That thing that you won’t say? That is an area where I still hold some hope, too. More and more with each passing day.

Sigh. I only wish I had even an inkling of hope that you are off base.

But the human mind does not have the capacity to actually sift through the trash for the gems. It’s like standing in front of a tsunami and trying to swallow it all in one go. So, instead, everybody is drowning, and clinging on to whatever flotsam they can find, and like frogs trapped in a well, believing that to be

I said this elsewhere earlier this week, but after watching the Trump episode of Dirty Money on Netflix last weekend, I finally get how true your understanding of him is. It was fascinating and repellent at the same time.

Yeah, but does he have the wings?

I’ve never tried Old Bay seasoning, nor do I quite understand what Crab Spice might taste like. We pull them up from the depths, boil them and eat them sans seasoning around these parts. Having said that, I’m curious to give the Lay’s a try.

I know it isn’t good for my heart (and soul, if you believe in that sort of thing) to share your sentiment, but I share it with great fervor and enthusiasm.  Every.  Damn.  Day.  

I’ve always been curious to try the Cappuccino ones, but I haven’t been able to bring myself to buy a bag.

Real life biscuits and gravy have the same effect on me. Alas, I keep eating them because they rule.

Me, too.  At my desk, trying to be slick about dabbing my eyes.  

I was tricked into trying the Biscuit and Gravy Lay’s and am only somewhat ashamed to say they were fantastic. Because of that, I’d try at least two of these new flavors.

It is my greatest dream to be able to dance even half as well as any of the ladies in this video. That was delightful to watch!!

I’m curious now. What does your girlfriend make of how Trump goes off script all the time? For an agent of chaos, as I’m assuming Putin is ok with, it makes sense. But, for a Skull and Bones type group with interests tied to the US staying successful and respected, he’s a terrible pick, no?