Noisy Pip

I won’t say Putin directly, but I’m guessing he has a handler assigned to him, as most assets do. Who knows better how to muddy waters and obscure the truth than anyone on Putin’s team?

I think you’re half right. I believe Trump is truly that stupid (and probably forgetful, too), but I believe he knows which orders should be followed versus which ones can be ignored and he was told in no uncertain terms to lighten the blow of the press conference matter how tepid and weak the response.

You might want to give a little warning about that video. I’m uncertain which kind of flashing triggers epilepsy, but it was enough to make me a little dizzy.

A hard question, but a fair question.

Ouch.  That one hurts.  I really liked Howard Dean.  

Holy moly. That “SPRING TAKES FLIGHT” pic...heart-eyes emojis for days.

Jesus.  I hadn’t heard that one before.  This fucking guy...I’ll never understand those who admire him.  

I highly resemble that remark and it’s just nice to have my hard work recognized for a change. *sniff

As a child who read everything she could get her hands on and an adult who has no children, this is a solid list. I’d add my favorite from childhood to the list. My Father’s Dragon. I adored the illustrations in it, too.  

Outstanding question! Unfortunately, I think we all know what that reaction would be.

Not sure if anyone has replied to this yet, as I can’t seem to get comments to nest properly these days, but the thread below explains a little bit about how manipulating the vote totals wasn’t the only way to impact the vote.

I finally got around to watching the Trump episode of Dirty Money on Netflix this weekend. While the episode made it 100% clear he has been financially tied to shady characters for many years, and everything we assume about Donald the person is pretty much spot on, the part that smacked me in the face was a clip from

And yet, he’s ungrayed all over the place today.

Too serious a topic for gifs, I know, and yet...

That was beyond painful.  

In case I wasn’t clear, I agree 1000% that the red top photos look like her stunt double, not the other ones of her stepping off the plane.

The two photos of her in the red top before they boarded the plane definitely look different than the other pics of her deplaning. 

Edited as my comment posted as replies to two different people. Oops.

I had never seen or heard of Zoe Kravitz before Fury Road and my crush developed hard and fast. She is perfection.

Not a bad look at all and a compromise between the two. He keeps it clipped so close, it almost looks like a clean shave.