Noisy Pip

A co-worker recently lent me his extended cut with the exact same argument. You may indeed be my co-worker, in which case, I apologize that I haven’t watched the extended cut yet. It is sitting right next to the TV and I will make it happen eventually.

We get a meager 10 days of PTO per year with zero carry over allowed. Everyone comes in to work sick and, almost without fail, every November and late January everyone in the entire company gets really sick.

I made the same mix-up in my head with the numbers. When I saw your 135, I was certain it was correct even as I wondered how I missed that difference in detail. Oops!

That would be an interesting take. I’m not sure if they’ll go there, but it would have been a good idea.

I completely missed that the James Delos host Elsie terminated was a newer version than the 135 we know was allowed to continue without being terminated. Did it show on the module as she typed in the command?

I enjoyed the episodes of Santa Clarita Diet that I watched, but I didn’t finish up the first season.

I’ve never seen him in a cowboy hat, but my birthday is tomorrow, so I don’t see why I can’t ask for it. :D

There is no Justified, there is only Deadwood.

This is a pretty perfect springtime anthem.

The opening to the Beach House song is more Postal Service than The Postal Service itself. This isn’t a criticism, as I still enjoy The Postal Service, but until the lyrics kicked in, I was giving it some pretty hard side eye.

Charismatic and edgy? Perhaps.

The letter Y is overused to the point of abuse. Within five years, I expect it will replace all vowels and some consonants. The most popular name in Trumpland will soon be M’lynya.

No counterpoints to your counterpoint, but I have found this body wash to last far longer than any other I have tried.

Based on the data in your second link, that landlord doesn’t have any standing for eviction.

It did?? I didn’t realize the fires were that far north. I know everything will come back greener than ever, but it’s too bad.

I’ve rented in the U-District, West Seattle, Northgate and First Hill and none of my landlords ever did unit inspections, let alone routine ones. Some of them didn’t even do a final walk-through when I moved out. 

Nothing you say is untrue.

I’m not a fan of either father or daughter McCain, by any stretch, but as someone who is in the process of losing my own Dad to cancer, if I were Meghan McCain, I would light a match and BURN SHIT DOWN if someone made that joke about him.

When I rented for nearly 20 years, I never had a landlord even step foot in my apartment without a phone call instigated by me, let alone for a “routine inspection.” With roommates or alone, with pets or without.