This doesn’t change what they experienced, but it looks like no one will be calling that manager because she got fired.
This doesn’t change what they experienced, but it looks like no one will be calling that manager because she got fired.
I believe this was my first Michael Shannon movie and I forever remembered who he was after. Whenever I see him in something, Bug or otherwise, I have to wonder if he’s this deeply intense person in his home life, too.
If we can make it 25 years, it’s a deal. It’s been at least 15 years since I’ve seen it and, truly, it almost gives me anxiety to think of sitting through it again. I have pretty mild claustrophobia, but the camera work and the angles in Repulsion made me feel like I was in a coffin. So, it was more the way it was…
Whenever I see Bug as a viewing option, I’m glad I watched it the once, but can never quite choose to subject myself to a second viewing. Both actors did a fantastic job, but nope, I’m out.
Small town, small minds? I’ve never spent significant time in the area, outside catching a couple hours sleep at the rest stop and grabbing a quick bite before heading on down the mountains. It’s one of my favorite areas to drive through, tho.
I stop in Weed every time I make the drive from Seattle to LA to visit family. It’s fucking beautiful up there!
It had one of my favorite lines uttered by Armand Assante with his heavy accent, “Who can say no to a wiener?”
There go my weekend plans.
My least favorite three word combination “rape-revenge film” followed up by the Targaryan words “Fire and Blood?” I think you may have convinced me with the article title alone.
Not to be a cornball, but if writing isn’t your current profession, I think it should be.
I can’t answer that with 100% certainty, but not a single one comes to mind.
Gah. That almost made me feel sorry for him. I caught myself in time, but in all honesty, I cannot even contemplate such an existence.
And in clear and measured earshot of the coward himself. You know he couldn’t resist replying to a jab at the very heart of who he thinks he is.
I bought the ingredients for this last night and am about to run home on my lunch hour to get the crockpot going. I can’t think of the last recipe I saw that I was so eager to taste. Thank you!
Exactly. I think because that is his MO, he should be made to walk away in a snit EVERY SINGLE TIME he is in front of a camera.
I concur with others that “Hang the DJ” (S4, E4) is one you will definitely love and is easily one of the “lightest” episodes in the series.
I agree! My recipe is simple, disallows peas, and pleases my BF when he comes home after building a fence, siding a house or fixing a roof in 38 degree pouring rain all day.
I immediately looked her up to verify and even as I see her age stated, I look at the photos and scratch my head. I’m not sure I looked as fresh faced at 25 as she does at 37.
Is she really??? Wow. I’m terrible at judging age.
I think the only hole I see in the William’s daughter theory is that this actress seems to be a little too young to be his daughter. Shouldn’t his daughter be somewhere near or over 30 years old? I tried to think out the timelines, including when we saw his daughter at age 6 or 7, but I’m not certain which events…