Noisy Pip

I personally don’t find that to be true at all. I’ve been doing accounting for almost 18 years now and credit cards are a pain in the ass, both in processing and in reconciling the payments. Admittedly, I’ve always worked for small businesses with somewhat informal rules and that may be where most of the troubles

More beautiful truth.

The company I work for doesn’t accept credit cards and the occasional client FREAKS OUT because they won’t be able to rack up those rewards points on whatever plan they’ve chosen.

We literally stopped on the same comment, unless there were multiple stating the exact same thing....which I guess wouldn’t surprise me too much.

Big Sticks are the best, but am not certain if they are regional treats or not. Kinja refuses to allow me an image post, so instead I include a link.

I actually paused to ponder this until I heard Stephen Wright’s voice saying the word Behemoth. Durrrrr.

I’m so sorry. Hugs to you, too. It’s been 12 years since mine passed, but I can still hear her voice and her sweet Oklahoma accent she never quite shook.

This would be the first time I’ve felt tricked in this series and it would annoy me, but I’m still pretty much all in for the series as a whole.

The Twitter replies to the Obama statement are chock full of that crap. I scrolled through the first 20 or so and remembered why I don’t dip more than a toe into the pool of how their minds function.

Back to you and thank you.

I LOVE this trick! Thank you!

Now I’m crying. But, you are right.

Only if they are stepping into my house. :D

That explains it. I haven’t seen the Fried Rice episode! We started with Fried Chicken (recommended to us), then backtracked to Ep1 and have been going from there. Fried Rice is on the docket for tonight. I will keep my ears out for it.

Thank you! Not only did Theresa have an accent, but she had a very specific and unusual (to my sad American ears) accent that was shared by Grace.

Truth, but even tuna casserole can be delicious comfort food every now and again.

I will fight any person at any time for a lemon lavender cupcake.

It is possible I missed that line all together, or if I heard it, I assumed it was tongue-in-cheek, as he seems to have a very dry sense of humor. It’s one of the things we enjoy about him. I’ve heard a few off-putting lines here and there, but I guess the overall fun and variety in the show overshadowed them for us.

I won’t fully snuff out my theory until I see where they are going with this character. It feels just too coincidental otherwise.

I finished up my degree in October of 2017 and when I went to set up my student loan payments, I was very disappointed and surprised at the lack of payment options.