Noisy Pip

Have you ever read The Woodcutter by Kate Danley? It may not be a Gaiman level fairytale, but I adored it.

I can’t wait!! I hope the acting and production are as high level as American Gods, but am not sure I’ll get that wish.

I was really disappointed to read this today. I was vaguely aware of it, but hadn’t followed the news on the series because I wasn’t yet invested. Now I’m completely invested and can only hope Season 2 keeps some of the magic from Season 1.

I enjoyed the overall story, but my biggest beef was all the manufactured drama. I mean, there needs to be tension and drama to keep us watching, but some of it felt too contrived. It pulls me out of the moment when I’m rolling my eyes because a, b or c is just way too far out of the realm of possibility.

Interesting! For me, I think it is because I look at Kristen Chenoweth and see artifice.

I haven’t yet seen Barry and can’t comment if it is interesting yet or not, but your take is food for thought. The few struggling actors I know also happen to be struggling writers, and it makes sense that their struggle as a working actor might make its way into their writing, too.

I’m sure it only seems vaguely ad hominem because we don’t share the same point of view. That is why I decided we don’t really have anything more to discuss on this particular topic.

Ask any single person in this administration if abuse of a woman is OK and how many “yes” answers do you think you will get, honestly?

I expected him to be much older with a tight white afro and a white mustache, but still in always amazing suits. Where did I pull this image from? I have no idea, but I enjoyed Orlando Jones’ first scene in the slave ship very much.

I’ve absolutely read and loved Good Omens , but haven’t yet read Anansi Boys. His reads are generally quick and fun, so I should be able to burn through that one in short order. I have it on my Kindle and you’ve given me the nudge I needed.

My boyfriend watched the first episode under slight protest, but by the end of the second episode, he was eager for the next “Somewhere in America” story. Those were his favorite parts. I was just happy he chose to keep watching rather than pushing Lost in Space on me yet again.  

Being that it was my first Neil Gaiman

Mütter Museum

I am now, thank you! I knew of the Mutter* Museum, but hadn’t heard of Kunstkamera until just now. I miss that job and all the fascinating stories that came along with the body parts.

Of all the things I should have been watching this weekend, I only caught the Westworld premier so far, but thanks to a free Starz weekend, I *finally* binged American Gods.

Relevant anecdote - I used to work in a pathology lab and we had a specimen in our “interesting keepers” cabinet from a mental patient who tied a rope around his whole “frontispiece” (as you called it in the article - dunno if that’s a real term or not, but I liked it and am using) and jumped out of a window. The

You make an EXCELLENT point!

See also, Ewan McGregor. And, I fully stand behind their choices!

You may have been posting tongue-in-cheek and it went over my head, but in case not, here are just a few very small examples of how the attacks are not at all “completely unfounded.”

I feel like that goes with both genders, though. Thandie Newton is pretty much one of the most gorgeous humans alive (to me) and it pains me to say that I had to listen to someone criticize her boobs for being too small in her first nude scene in the show.

May 12th is my birthday. It seems fitting that it also become my death day. No one actually wants to live to see 45 anyway, right?