Noisy Pip

We both commented last night if that actor didn’t have something to be proud of, he probably wouldn’t have been found it so liberating and been so happy to share it with the world.

Off topic, but important query: I wonder if QEII ever plays out my fantasy and puts on every piece of jewelry she owns while surrounded by both a mountain of her fantastic handbags and all of her dogs? Shaggy, with or without Sting, does not factor into this fantasy.

It may be my ad blocker, but I’m not seeing any video on the link embedded in the article? I can kind of see it in the still shot above, at least.

Those are so trashy.

Does anyone remember the Fashion Channel? I used to work swing shift in the late 90s and would get super stoned after work and sit up all night and watch the runway shows for the new wedding dress lines.

Holy shit. I forgot all about this movie. Thank you and thank you for reminding me it exists.

Honestly, that’s not so far out of the realm of possibility. I’ll accept your answer.


We’ve not only got two in common on our list, we’ve also both told stories of enjoying movies while on hallucinogens in this post. I think that means we just became friends?

I think you’ll find me doubly irritating, then.

OMG, I forgot that line! Pure gold.

The movie is so full of gems and quotable lines, but the fire scene will always be my favorite.

For this scene alone! An old roommate and I watched this movie on mushrooms and we DIED watching this scene. Rewind, laugh until we cry, rewind and repeat.

Here is to another not afraid to express their love of Love, Actually. Cheers!

Halloween was my second choice in the horror genre. The Shining only won out because I saw it first.

Thank you. That gave me a lot of feels and I kind of want a hug now, but in the good way. <3

I want to spend far more time than I have available choosing exactly the correct four movies that define me, but instead I will go with my first hunch and all but one of them are from my youth.

Oops. Sometimes I get a little gif happy and I can’t help myself. :)