Noisy Pip

Ha! It really is all of us, though, and I think we all understand it isn’t healthy and we maybe should feel some shame, but all the same, the sentiment stands.

I think that’s all of us!

Let it be so! Please, please, please!

As a fellow tried and true daddy’s girl, this got me all choked up this morning.

The whole soundtrack is 100% beltable, but Midnight Radio has the most kick, with Wig in a Box and Sugar Daddy running a close tie for second.

Perfect. And, you can save Jumbo Shrimp Parachute for formal occasions only.

It’s my favorite to belt in the car at full volume, too.

Shame! I completely missed the joke on the second one and I’ve seen the movie so many times. I always heard it as, “You, Cunt, Always Get What You Want.” The German philosophy zoomed right over my head.

I love reading The Root. It often exposes me to news I won’t find elsewhere and both the authors and the comment section are easily my favorite across the GMG.

Winner, winner!

That’s about how far I made it, too. And, full admission, there are a few TS songs I actually enjoy. This was not one of them.

You forgot the Great Arugula Scandal of 2008.

Only in that we are relishing how uncomfortable it will be for him if this tape were released. I truly don’t think most of us give a fuck outside of the fleeting hope we’ll feel as we wonder if THIS might finally do the trick.

Scrolling down to find the inevitable result where she is confirmed by a unanimous vote. Don’t see it here, but I’m going to assume that was an oversight, not that she wasn’t, in fact, confirmed unanimously.

If I’m jumping from site to site on my phone and go to comment, I’m logged out about 90% of the time and when I try to log in, I get a redirect error until I clear my browsing history. I’ve messed with all my settings and cannot seem to combat this issue. So, I just miss out on most of the fun evening and weekend

That was a head-scratcher for me, too. I assume they meant Sinclair, but it hasn’t been updated yet.

Can we talk about the blue locs? Those a pure purple to my eyes, although the t-shirt she is wearing is a true blue. Are my eyes wrong?

Definitely an oversight.

A quick search shows me I was mistaking Val for Emily Valentine, she of the “euphoria” episode.