Noisy Pip

I lived for 90210 back in the day, but haven’t been able to bring myself to watch a single episode streaming.

I went a hunting for some Tool love. I almost went with your choice on Lateralus, but the emotional ties to Undertow won out.

Tool’s Undertow is perfection from beginning to end, but the middle section “Bottom” followed up by “Crawl Away” and finished off with “Swamp Song” powered me through the angsty pain of the BIG BREAKUP of my 20s.

You’ve been promoted to my Best Thinker!

I’ve got my best thinkers on the job, but we still can’t figure out which end is the business end? The end with the sharp stabby leaves or the end with the delicious pineapple covered in a uniform row of razor blades?

You aren’t alone. Unfortunately, neither is Brynleigh or Bryhayeannon or Maliyah or Blakelyn or McKylin.

I didn’t want to be an asshole and go straight for that kid’s name, but seriously. That is the absolute worst.

Oh dear. I thought you had called her when you realized. The fact that she called instead of just writing you off as an asshole is kind of promising and leads me to believe you had made a solid pre-meeting impression.

Did you call prior to the 1:30 Sunday time you thought you were meeting or was it after she didn’t show and you realized your error?

That’s what is so over-the-top rude about his ashy comments. Never has anyone needed a full coating of both oil and lotion as bad as him.

You’re two up already! You’re going places!

Is he a ginger? He’s kind of an ugly grey no color now, but I thought he used to be blond?

That is so fucking good. I am still cackling at my desk!

Seriously. You aren’t alone.

That header image above is not photoshopped in any way, either. I know this, because I checked.

From what I gathered from this article, the suffering in Gethsemene was not detailed in the movie, correct? It sounds like the introduction took place in Gethsemene, but leaves it there and skips right ahead to the torture?

Interesting. It is possible and maybe probable that I’m not religious enough to have made that connection.