As a theater and streaming patron: Both services suck.
As a theater and streaming patron: Both services suck.
Wait, where’s all the hand-wringing and blaming the consumers? We need another Nicole Kidman commercial reminding us that we the common folk should be putting our collective health on the line in the midst of a pandemic to save the movie theatres.
The Netflix model was not the problem.
Maine has a chain of potato donut stores (Holy Donut, they’re fine.) That’s presumably why people there are googling them, not as a thanksgiving side.
Another problem with making so many movies with bloated runtimes, is when you come out with one that has a sensible runtime, it begs the question of why so short compared to the others. It’s always better to make shorter films, and then go long in the exceptional case, for something really special.
Matt Groening established rules for how the strangling was meant to be handled on the show that later writers eventually drifted away from. The strangulation always had to be impulsive, never premeditated. It had to be brief and Bart always had to escape, outwit Homer, or strangle Homer back. And I think the final…
This is a much smaller “season”, and I’m fairly certain the first page of the Bonus Pass is shown to have 200 vBucks. It doesn’t have the extra vBucks that normally are there, but this one looks like it does at least pay back more than the Battlepass cost by 50.
You have to understand that Franklin was a parody of the (since retired) Sesame Street puppet Roosevelt Franklin, which probably nobody under 50 remembers at this point, as he was only there in the 1970s. RF was intended to appeal to Black children, but they found him a bit too stereotypical.
I feel that way about most of the extended pilot. There are a few good extra jokes in there, but I think the actually aired pilot is leaner and sharper. There’s no fat on it.
I swear I thought of the same thing, but didn’t think anyone would know what I was talking about.
He’s streaming his reaction to war footage which in turn, he gets paid for.
Good job illustrating that the “Worthington’s Law” Mr. Show sketch wasn’t parody!
It’s okay, Ashley makes more than you do and xQc doesn’t know you exist, nor will they ever.
I never understood the change from “…or candy!” to “….or cocaine!”
Is “homosexuals” a slur now? Pretty sure there were much worse words that were extremely common in 2003 that have aged a lot worse than the actual dictionary term for gay people.
Did we miss that Lucille is not meant to be a sympathetic character, and that calling them dramatic and flamboyant (while being dramatic and flamboyant) is not meant to be an endorsement of being horrible?
What will the christo-fascists find wrong with this, this year?
“Maybe not everything on the show has aged well.”