
I think the “nepo baby” discussion is overblown in almost every situation...except for the Please Don’t Destroy guys. Oh, one of you is the son of the guy who wrote Adam Sandler’s sketches 30 years ago...and one of you is the son of a current producer of SNL...And now you’re writing for the show and doing featured

There’s only one Elvis Sandwich I want to hear reviewed, and that’s the Fool’s Gold Loaf

grilled paenu butter&banana (on sour dough, add boacon)

Achewood is the good kind of memetic virus.

It’s a bonus feature on the first season DVD. About 10 minutes longer; a few new/longer scenes and alternate takes.

A definite instance where the network’s cut/edit/whatever you want to call it works better than the original.

Hot take: I wish the remake had an option for the original voice clips. They were so bad, and you heard them so often, that they became endearing.

Box office is already confirming that: $10.3m in Thursday night previews.

I read it as a memory: Bruce could be full of himself, but he was well-liked by the cast and crew. Cliff decided to be a jerk and a bully for his own sake that dayy, and that cost him that job and many more in the years since. (Also, because everybody on set knows he is a murderer.)

I always figured Katherine Waterston extracted herself from the third movie, calling her agent and saying “Hey, I’ve got an okay career going, this franchise is a sinking ship and I’m sick of putting up with That Woman; can you get me out of this contract?”

The entire Department of Mysteries sequence is basically written as a big movie SFX action setpiece - Flying brains! A Death Eater’s head constantly aging, growing and shrinking, from baby to old man and back! - and none of it made the screen.

I really don’t get the obsession with making this series a thing. The books may have sold over 100 million copies - but a look at Wikipedia tells me that 80 million of those were the first three. Seems like the magic lay with Larsson, and he’s been dead for nearly 2 decades.

What if I told you the wizard revealing this grim vision of the (actual) future was the villain, trying to convince others to join his crusade for wizard supremacy and global domination

The Wizarding World is vast enough to support a global economy, but also the entire UK magic community is basically the size of the EastEnders  cast.

Well you had to have a magic deer because, for some reason, we’re sticking with the “Fantastic Beasts” concept/branding even though it was obvious by the end of the first movie that nobody involved with the conception of the thing actually gave a damn about that part.

OotP was my favorite of the books, I was so pumped for the movie. I remember liking the choice to make Dudley and his crew full-on Chavs at the start of the movie and then as it went on just wondering why it felt so...inert? No spark, no fun, just a very workmanlike “Well let’s make this damn movie and get it over with

They sold the first movie as an exciting new adventure in the world of Harry Potter...and then The Notorious TERF decided she wanted her very own Star Wars Prequel TrilogyPentology. So many misbegotten choices at every turn, I’d love for somebody to compile a tell-all history of how we went from “It’s the 1920s and a

I have never seen one of these people in the wild but I know that, were I a server and I saw that? I’d consider the $5 forfeit and make their table my lowest priority. Congrats, dude, you just turned this Chili’s into the passive-aggressive version of Dick’s Last Resort.

The thing we’ve definitely learned from this saga: Majors only makes one face when he knows he’s getting his photo taken, and it’s really stupid.