I wouldn't have paid anywhere near bluebook on a saturn even while they were in business. Theres no demand for them, never was, low ball all the way.
I wouldn't have paid anywhere near bluebook on a saturn even while they were in business. Theres no demand for them, never was, low ball all the way.
A++ you are now a canonized jalopnik saint
My current one. No one wants it, no one in rural NY gives a shit about fuel economy now that gas is cheap and all our garages are shams so simple things that need replacing (some suspension bits) terrify people.
You could fill the bed of the pickup with loose hay and have a romantic evening back there. I’m in vegetable advising though so my truck is 90% more likely to be filled with potatoes... much less romantic. A roll in the hay might be a bit more enticing than a roll in the potatoes.
dat hood lip though
>300 days a year you’re not driving in snow.
How, uh, how do you feed cows Sweedie?
Interestingly, i had a wonderful discussion with a very opinionated woman today who insisted on spelling potato “potatoe”. And as someone in the potato industry, i’d say ~25% of the red blooded americans I get to interact with can’t spell it either. So good for whatever special snowflake “shopped” that pic in MSpaint,…
Volvo is totally a luxury brand
I very briefly, and i mean just a month or two, had an 87 Civic hatch with the glass back as my work “truck” for the state ag extension. It must have been a custom paint job because I have never seen one in the same color. It was like a darkened copper color so think this
That would be perfect. My work vehicle doesn’t rock crawl but it needs to be capable on muddy farms, poorly maintained logging roads, and the vague paths we consider “access roads” for some of the larger experiments.
seems legit, and i mean that seriously. And while the scientist in me is sweating profusely about the sampling error involved with that (economic/geographic skew) its probably very representative of the majority of america
Time to stock up! Think i could do like a shave club for men where you pay a subscription fee for a clever commercial and a cool box and every 6 months a new pack of white smoke containers shows up?
1. People make decisions with their emotions, theres a health insurance commercial out here where the whole script is literally “i bought that car because it felt right, i bought this house because it felt right, i married my husband because it felt right, i bought XXX insurance because it felt right”. Scoobie knows…
Your mother probably made the right decision. Audis and Scoobies break in interesting ways and they do it often, but in my experience scoobie part money hits me write in the drinking funds, while audi part money starts cutting into food and rent...
we get our focus groups from casinos in vegas?! Truly the american way