
1. You sound like a jackass using retards like that

1. I’m waiting with bated breath on availability of off road tires for these

At least where i’m from thats very mild rust given the age of that van. In upstate NY that level of rust on a work vehicle would say 2008-9 to me

“drives great when running”

I always found the hyundai entourage a bit presumptuous

the astra was pretty ok


A speech by James Madison 1787

“A standing military force, with an overgrown Executive will not long be safe companions to liberty, the means of defense against foreign danger, have been always the instruments of tyranny at home. Among the Romans it was a standing maxim to excite a war, whenever a revolt was apprehended. Throughout all Europe, the

Here are two generations of power wagon in configurations i’ve deemed acceptable. Enjoy

and the version for IT professionals

Mr. Levatich said Harley would await improvements in battery technology so the LiveWire can have the performance he believes buyers expect

Well, i mean state ownership because of totalitarianism isn’t really a liberal thing.

“clueless architects who think that the laws of physics don’t apply to kickstarter projects”

not all bad ideas are just good ideas not being given a chance.

in what way did “MOPAR of GTFO.” mean land rover/jaguar => Tata?

fascist liberals? You sir need to brush up on your italian fascism, it was very much an anti-liberal movement.


Now ships!