
I appreciate your opinion about the story, yes it’s cliche, yes there are some cringeworthy aspects in terms of slang (mostly from the white characters who are trying to talk down to Freq) but I’ve said this on our podcast that this is by far the best representation of a nuclear family headed by black people I’ve ever

Just because you don’t like stanced and these people do they should be punished for it?

I see they also stopped a Lotus riding on custom wheels, but with a stock ride they’re just stopping any car that is, different?

They also ticketed a guy with a stock F40 because his stock exhaust was louder than they liked sooo... they’re probably assholes.

I hate stancing as much as the next guy but, I hate cops targeting modded cars even more. They’re our brother Jalops even if we don’t approve of how they modded their cars. I certainly respect stancers more than the hoard of people on this site who can’t even change their own brake pads.

Forced to wreck? You did see that his bike was neatly standing up when the cop was putting him in cuffs. I honestly doubt that the officer would pick up the bike if he did make him crash and if he did it wouldn’t be BEFORE he made the arrest.

“Gun control sounds great, but it won’t happen, such a fairytale. Lets just have world peace instead.”

I actually think a lot of what you said is smart. Your premise is ridiculous.

These highlight reels for Rodgers make me completely happy. Aside from my girlfriend, I don’t think one human has ever given me so much joy on such a consistent basis.

All of my posts contain Beyonce. If not in music, then in spirit.

I might be the biggest 918 fanboy on Jalopnik. Take a look at my comments history. I’m a homer for VAG.

This is why I keep all my belongings stored on the cloud!

Anything that could result in Nick Saban and his necrotic, insane regime of Alabama football lose, I’m 100% behind.

I remember just staying in myseat after watching The Mist completely slack-jawed. I was just trying to imagine the pain this guy must be in. I still think about it from times to times. If it was me, honestly, I think I would probably not last long before shooting myself. I know some people didn’t like the ending, but

Usually I’m that guy at parties, glad to not be that guy for once.

Insert emissions joke here

That’s not a bike, that’s a coffin on wheels. It must be terrifying to ride that thing.

That someone one is Iron Man himself Robert Downy Jr.

I respectfully disagree, the episodes varied in tone and depth, but they very much felt like a wonderful update to speculative sci-fi taken to extremely dark (and sometimes light) places.