One Opinion

Why aren’t IUD’s an option for you? Bear in mind I’m not trying to criticize but there’s a lot of misinformation out there, even from gynos. Common reasons I’ve heard women say they can’t get an IUD:

The irony being that his own political party is chock full of KKK members and Nazis.

Nuke from orbit. Only safe way.

people see

The real problem is that is used to be embarrassing to have to have food stamps for more people than not.

Please go to the National Council on Aging’s BenefitsCheckUp website. If you truly make as little as you say and are disabled, you may be eligible for benefits that you don’t realize you can get.

So, do you also judge the food choices of everyone on Social Security? All state, local and federal employees (including Congress and all White House staff and all the military)? All employees and owners of businesses you patronize? After all, your money goes to pay for their food, too.

Correlation is still not causation.

What most people fail to understand (for some of them it’s deliberate) is that as of 2011 there were approximately 45 Million Americans on Food Stamps (SNAP). 76% of SNAP households included a child, an elderly person, or a disabled person. Undocumented immigrants are ineligible for SNAP. Additionally, there is aa

I would also point out that in many states garnished child support is often placed into an account accessible through the Ebt system. So, someone may be utilizing unrestricted funds to purchase items, just using the Ebt card as that vehicle.

I love the “morality” of judging people who need assistance. What the hell is wrong with our country where being poor is considered a moral failing? You know what should be a moral failing? Walmart paying people so little that they need SNAP just to survive:

We can all thank Reagan and his Welfare Queen story for this. SNAP is a great program that a lot of people don’t understand. I don’t understand how people are okay with children and the elderly going hungry.

The post acknowledges that abuse exists. You witnessing it a handful of times is just anecdotal evidence. That is exactly why they do reviews and investigations into fraud because although what you witnessed may be true, your experiences do not equate to it happening a lot or support evidence of a wide-spread trend of

I was on disability for a few years because of rheumatoid arthritis (thanks a lot, grandma genes; bless you, spontaneous remission.) My SSDI was on the high side on account of previous income, which meant I was earning a little over $1,000/mo (this was over a decade ago.) I looked into applying for food stamps but

I live near several large military bases. And if someone is using SNAP at the supermarket checkout, either they or their SO is in uniform.

One thing I feel bad for (I think it is snap, might be the other one) when I see people using it in the store is that they apparently have strict limits on which items they can buy. It isn’t always a global “1 juice” or something like that, it is very specific to brand, flavor, and size. Some products are not stocked

Thank you for these facts. I will be sharing with those who keep spouting the myths without any facts (because google is hard?)...

Compared to Medicaid fraud, SNAP is a paragon of virtue.

Thank you for this. I work in nutrition advocacy and this is all true and really, really important to get out to the public.

“They’re using the most prominent woman in Donald Trump’s — you know, most prominent — she’s his daughter”