One Opinion

Cite your reference or you are full of shit.

There are none so blind as those who will not see!

Not racist but does not take into account that generally, white people have more assets than black people do. The richest people in America are almost all (I don’t know of any who are not) White. Sometimes more complicated that just B&W

Any reason you Ass-ume automatic door does not want to, you know, do what someone who works in nutrition advocacy would do? Other than being a jerk I mean?

If it is legal, it is not murder. Period. Full Stop.

A good point most people miss is that there is generally a medical doctor involved. Most MD’s will refuse to perform any operation they do not personally believe is necessary unless it is relatively minor and something that really bothers the patient. Given the number of OB/GYN who perform late term abortions it

Yes we are all snowflakes. Some of us are yellow snowflakes, those are the ones to avoid


Not Racist. Eugenics does not (necessarily) equal racism.