
"my" generals?

Perpetually stuck on stupid.

PC and asshole-ishness flows both ways. You write like your mirror images on the far right, "tale(s) told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing." Aka, no cogrnt argument. Remember that next time you look in the mirror, and refer (accurately) to Alex Jones as an asshole.

Paging Jerry Sandusky. Mr. Sandusky, please.

There was a young man named yacht…

Indeed. Some like it hot. That yacht may also be a nice big tax write off as a vacation home.

Like I said, the klan types can go fuck themselves. You know what you can do with your own rants of political correctness.

Possibly. The CSA might have been far more authoritarian than the Jim Crow version. R&B (race music) didn't hit the airwaves until after ww2. There may not have been the Great Migration either (or ww1), thereby not letting blues and jazz mature like it did in the North.

Had the CSA won and, then, what is now the lower 48 fragmented into three to five separate nations, some within a European sphere of influence, would we have seen blues, jazz and rock n roll come around and just wow the entire world?

Well, what if in about 1950, corporate CSA saw a market in free backs rather than enslaved blacks?

Not sure if Hepburn and Grant should have reunited in The Philadelphia Story.

They were never in love or lovers. In Shaw's sequel Eliza marries Freddy.

So the "The Man In the High Castle" was empowering to Nazis? C'mon, man. Just let's see how the show plays out.

John Coltrane on sax on "So What" with the Miles Davis Group.
Matthew Fischer on B3 on "Quite Rightly So" by Procol Harum.

I'm not sure the Byzantines (not Rome; they were focused elsewhere in the 7th century) and Persians gave a damn about India.

What you're talking about is nearly endless war. While what was left of the USA would have built up its industrial strength, it still would have been dealing with what were now sovereign nations. CSA, Texas Republic, a couple of western countries. Who is to say that they wouldn;t have built themselves up as well (the

Indeed. I forgot about that little wrinkle. Would have interesting especially if the French managed to hold on to Mexico.

Not crazy about Turtledove. More soap opera than alt history, IMO. I did love his "Crosstime Traffic" story about the modern day California girl going to West Virginia as Virginia in the CSA a still fighting Ohio..

Had the Persians and the Byzantines hadn't been so busy fighting each other in the 7th century, they would have bottled up Mohammad and his followers on the Arabian Peninsula.

What the Lost Cause and other people may not understand is the European equation. The USA was still a weak, almost backwater nation in 1860. Had it lost to the CSA, Europe would most likely have pounced, mostly with diplomatic pressure and threats. Those countries would have squabbled over the various spheres of