
No question that films like "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" and certain episodes of The Twilight Zone also informed Romero's work.

Well, she is up against Marine LePen. Could end up in the House.

Woo Hoo!

Long time worst American female person in the world.

One can only hope.

Showing my age big time >>>
First rock concert: Beatles
Most seen: G. Dead, 16x, all but one before 1980
Second place: The Who, Richard Thompson & Bruce Springsteen (6x each); 1st Who was 2nd billed to Herman's Hermits (Left during their first number).
Third Place: Aimee Mann, 3x (May be others but…)
Never and wish:

Right. She persisted.

And so is the husband of the recipient of his low key ogle.

But he drank good Scotch.

That "hip 50s kid", Jeffrey Beauregard Sessions III, would have been a hard core segregationist during those ultra-cool times.

We should go back even farther and put miscreants away for double digit years for possession of a joint, roach or seed.

In 2015 the GOP Congress tried to add an amendment to its budget bill pretty much exempting HL from this kind of thing. Earlier that year there were reports that Iraq and other Mid-East countries were pretty pissed off at HL. Nice to see these Christianists get their ass caught and convicted.

And the "widespread voter fraud" that made him lose the people's choice by three million.

Isn't she one of Trump's "Second Amendment people"?

"Darker"? Too bad. The comedic possibilities with these two in this setting are endless.

That is until they realized that parsing works like the Bard leads to people asking uncomfortable questions of the betters. Paraphrased: "I love low educated voters!"

This lefty agrees, except that many on the right would say that liking Shakespeare is to infer be a snob. His plays foster critical thinking and that is dangerous and therefore politically incorrect (right wing division).

The right's deliberate forgetfulness re their treatment of Obama, the "pretend stab" was equivalent to a pretend lynching/burning in effigy. Same goes for Griffin's disgrace. Not acceptable regardless how odious this POTUS is.

The right's deliberate memory lapses re their treatment of Obama, the "pretend stab" was equivalent to a mock lynching/burning in effigy. Ditto Griffin's idiocy. Not acceptable regardless how odious this POTUS is.