
Who is this incompetent reporter? To write " there are mountains of evidence to support the fact that a bunch of children were murdered at Sandy Hook" is to allow room for one to doubt that maybe it really did not happen.,

True from Out Of Our Heads until Beggar's Banquet.

Mmmmmm…mainline on Skyline.

More to the point, how could they NOT know?

He was also encouraged a hostile foreign power to hack his opponent's computers. Whatta guy.

He was also encouraged a hostile foreign power to hack his opponent's computers. Whatta guy.

Another misdirection. I got no truck with those assholes. Yes, we need to be diligent, but with some finesse and smarts. However,we're taking about home grown, non Muslim assholes which you don't even denounce before you point the other way.

How is restricting cartridges to 15 rather than 30 rounds violating a right? Or allowing one with a history of chronic mental health problems to own a lethal weapon. Good guys, my arse. Yes, hello?

It's all about population density. Three million is three million whether from the farm or the high rise.

We were talking about the criminal actions of the right in this country, not the criminal actions of Muslims, e.g. San Bernardino, of which we're all aware and certainly condemned. Your "yeah but" misdirection speaks volumes.

Why does it matter, ageist?

Beats being a 9th grade level name caller who, like her far right counterparts, can't put together a cogent argument. Just one more lefty mouth breather we can do without.

Steve Bannon and Alex Jones are calling for you. They like your style.

f: I'm not apologizing for your counterproductive rants and crapola. B: I certainly am not apologizing for the rightist other side C: I suggest you grow up, lose the other side of the coin image of the racist fascist assholes, and pick up on some reading comprehension.

Nice "yeah but" misdirection there.

Each to one's own but that still makes you very much like a good chunk of their base. "Don't hate nothin' 'cept hatred", right?

Have a nice evening, little ray of sunshine.

Turn up your sarcasm and old crime movies meters.

Very, very true. Same re the wreckage being done by Big Birther and his congress.

Don't forget the killing of the Indians at that Kansas bar. Or the Muslim students murdered in NC.