
Aw, ma!! If the President can look directly at the sun, why can't I? Didn't hurt him none!

Because they may hurt a lot of people?

I directed it to the wrong person. i mean Beanarie. It happens.

Don't blame me. I voted for Kodos.

Source, please.

In 1944, during a campaign dinner with the International Brotherhood of Teamsters union, President Franklin D. Roosevelt makes a reference to his small dog, Fala, who had recently been the subject of a Republican political attack. The offense prompted Roosevelt to defend his dog’s honor and his own reputation.

Nancy Reagan got slammed for the same stuff but, unlike Mrs. Lincoln, she toned it down.

Yeah, i thought of that after I posted. Still, a popular guvnor should have some clout in reining them in some. Bottom line, kasich is not much of a moderate conservative. He's just more adult about it.

The states told Big Birther's "voter integrity" people to stuff it about voter profiles so I guess it's up to Jeffrey Beauregard III to do some NKVD/Gestapo digging.

Nonsequitor alert!

Kasich is a grown up and smart; smart enough to take the Medicaid money. But moderate? Not so much. Look at his treasurer and Secretary of State, both unspeakable rightists as is much of the Ohio legislature. The sec state is a super vote suppressor.

RINO: Aka politically incorrect, right wing division.

It's a bio of George H.W. Bush?

The Thugs' March was 80% armed. That some didn't open fire with their "defensive" AR-15s is more than a minor miracle.

"I don;t know who David Duke is." DJT (paraphrased), 3/2016

"I don;t know who David Duke is." DJT, 3/2016

Only 20? Were the rest in Charlottesville? (I thought of your excellent posts after it all went down yesterday)

A few more than that showed up at Charlottesville today. Maybe all the flights were booked?

It's people like you what cause unrest.

The right going on about "Google's liberal bias"is their own version of political correctness. Ditto their epithet "RINO" for more moderate conservatives. Seems that being against diversity in a diverse country is the apogee of PC for the "alts". To be for or at least accepting of diversity is the lowest of such