
24,000,000 trails of tear if he and his congress get their way with repealing Obama care.

Still got bupkis, little man. Try growing up a little, trump troll.

IOW, you have nothing, including reading comprehension. Reasonable people, including those like myself who loathe Big Birther and his his administration, would consider you as much of a clown and waste of DNA as your twins over on the Trumpist side.

Start with the Yazidis.Then look a the massacres in Iraq and Syria; the destruction of the regions historic architecture and art in the name of a religion.The claiming credit for various terrorist acts in Europe. These guys are no more than Nazis with the industrial or scientific prowess that Germany had. That you

Was the Fox photo orchestrated by Murdoch or O'Rielly?

Uh, plenty. Not that the bomb wasn't also a diversion from his wrecking going on at home. we

Germany installs ground-level traffic lights for distracted cellphone users

If it's anything like his last tour it'll be great.

There were hard rockers and, later, new wavers in the 70s who would lose serious face if they admitted an affinity for the likes of Carole King, disco or the funk of the times.

I refused to see the American take on the book.

I thought Hugh Grant softened the character too much. On the other hand, Toni Collette!

I think I'm gonna hurl!

Sort of like the Cramps?

Same kind of crap took place after the Beatles arrived. Mucho hilarity for the Alan Simpsons of the time. The more things change…

Yeah, him too.

Stalin, who made decrees about the amount of syncopation that was allowed in the pop music of the time??

Or a disgruntled 13th Floor Elevators fan.

Okay, but you don;t have to get snarky about it.

Where is Roz Chast of the New Yorker? And no homage to the pioneers of the early and mid-70s? Tina Robbins, Sharon Kahn Rudal, Lee Mars and the others? Some of the comic book titles were, Wymmins Comix, Girl Fight Comix and Pudge, Girl Blimp. Check i tout.

Prohibition brought on more change. In 1918 Italian food was considered pedestrian at best by the Protestant dominant culture. Came the 18th Amendment and suddenly Italian restaurants were places to get a good, interesting and inexpensive meal AND (oh so quietly) wine and spirits.