
Mmmmmmmmm, hog fat.

Courtney Barnett is the new hot thing right now and you can hear Lou and the velvets all over her work.

Abbey Road uses the Moog on at least three tunes. Who's Next has two classics on the set with the Moog. Let's not leave out ELP.

"I'm not a scientist." — any number of GOP presidential candidates

Bollocks. No Elvis (or Jerry Lee or Chuck Berry), no Beatles, et al, at all. There are social historical reasons why white teens were so ready for Presley and the rest. It was a revolution that the powers that be did their best to kill.

Lennon was admired for his rhythm guitar work. Ringo was steady with fine foot work; couldn't swing it though (instrumental break in I Call Your Name). Harrison, IMO, wasn't all that great of a player until he met Clapton. It was McCartney, one of rock's best bassists along with John Entwhistle, who had to do the

Sure, if you're Phil Collins.