Sometimes I wish gay sex wasn't so stigmatized

Good point.

Maybe I missed reading it, but unless she's made some statement, being a woman with a girlfriend doesn't make you a lesbian. She could be bi. Bi-erasure is one of my many pet peeves.

How is defending a cop racist?

Are we cherry picking reports? It seems there's an awful lot of investigations now popping up and apparently, police are only shooting black males.

Protecting the kids from her is way more important than showing concern. Mariah's been batshit crazy for a decade or more.

Whoa. Someone is quite feisty today.

So...should we should never speak up and criticize how OUR government spends our money? If you don't like people having the right to criticize government spending, move to China. Welcome to America.

Their family could move. Problem solved.

AWWWWwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Because that's his name.

Or maybe Brad could move there (or somewhere in Euroweenie land.) They're super progressive there AND probably would pay for the surgery. :D

BTW, I myself wasn't trying to troll you. I'm just trying to frame both sides of the issue. After reviewing your comments I see your point, my only question would be is Chelsea the legal name? Also, does the legal name matter, and is it instead just an issue of if a person wants to be one gender then they are to be

It is not elective you fucking troll.

Well well, it took about one week for the purpose of pending replies to drift from preventing rape gifs to the tried-and-true feminist ploy of censoring people they don't agree with. I am just stupid enough to think that this may have been the purpose of the Jezebel outcry all along.

He/she/it didn't answer the question because there is no good answer. People need to start realizing that life/society does not and cannot cater to every peculiarity of human personality or sexuality.

Could Brad die from this condition? Look he if wants to play dress up - throw him some wigs / some cheap makeup and some shoes from payless.

Don't bother. You'll be deluged with comments about how not wearing a bra and makeup is actually life threatening. They'll tell you it's like not giving him lung transplant. Maybe Manning should learn to make due like the thousands of members of the military who can't get treatment for PTSD or concussive head

care to elaborate on why his comments are trolling?

Awwww did I make you mad bro ( or broette?) So answer the question...why should our tax dollars go for Brads surgery?

Hyperbole much?