Sometimes I wish gay sex wasn't so stigmatized

That's correct. But the principle is still standing: don't break the rules.


... No it isn't.

Fight what? Dress codes? Because students should be able to walk around naked!

Shut up and suck.

Whoa. Someone is quite feisty today.

I never said it's anyone's fault. If you don't like something, then either stop complaining or do something about it. Don't whine.

So since there's no other option, you just have to adjust to the circumstances.

Race is a biological reality. Races are different from each other. And I never said that only blacks can exclusively live the black culture.

Race create cultures.

I never said that was okay.

Then move or be homeschooled. Simple.

Do some research on the origin of Hip-Hop and African-American music.

So now people who are about to be arrested are allowed to kill police officers if they deem it "unlawful."

By society in general.

Probably because *gasp* schools have dress codes that need to be followed!

An invasion.

And of course double standards aren't okay. And sagging your pants is part of a wider African-American lifestyle, which now is transracial.

Unlawful arrests can only be made by regular citizens, not police officers. It's whining because they are whining about something so trivial.

Then get down to work.