
For the life of me I’ll never understand why they make these host countries build all this bullshit. Use the existing facilities. Isn’t that part of the whole “hosting” thing? To show off your country’s charms? If a country doesn’t have the infrastructure to host the games as is, then don’t fucking go there.

Do we really need the nostalgia qualifier? I don’t think we can ever get too old to enjoy cartoons/animation. The best animations are written to entertain both kids and adults. It’s what makes shows like Adventure Time, Avatar and Steven Universe so great. It’s why Disney movies are so great. Looney Tunes had suicide

what killed her was hatred, as her husband noted while ago. I am an immigrant living in the UK and I can honestly say that the forces that have been unleashed by this unfortunate referendum are truly scary. And more generally speaking, the rise of a small nationalist right wing minds all over the world from Russia to

2016 was written by George RR Martin.

So sorry that this has happened and that it’s close to home for you x

You know? Fuck no-fly lists. They’re pretty useless. I want to see the firearms equivalent of SIP laws. Nearly every state has laws in place to make bartenders culpable if they serve to intoxicated persons. They may not be well enforced, but they’re there and legal precedent.

I think there would have to be a provision where family situations would be taken into consideration. For example, a couple in their early twenties with a young child both get drafted. There needs to be some sort of provision where they don’t serve concurrently, but are called to serve at separate times. And should

I’m agnostic on the draft itself, but if we are going to have it then all citizens who are fit to serve should be required to register.

The idea that we should forcibly conscript young girls into combat, to my mind, makes little or no sense.

I came here to say this exactly.

But you’re kidding yourself if you don’t think people said the same thing about the Beasties. Hell, the Beasties have said that they made obnoxious shit without real thought towards what they were saying.

Everyone has horrible taste in something. Music is pretty much omnipresent, so that ends up being the ‘something’ for a lot of people.

It’s the guy’s actual voice. What’s the problem? Not many people can actually sing like that.

I really don’t understand why this is cultural appropriation, and not the logical result of the pop culture of the world she grew up in. R&B and hip hop have been the dominant force in pop music for her entire life, even more than “traditional” pop music which seems to ebb and flow in popularity. She’s never known a

But you’re kinda making JustUsBabe’s point. I’m not supporting Meghan Trainor, I think her music sucks, but who gets to define what is “crappy”? Kara Brown? You? All of the white people who prefer washed down black music to the real thing would probably disagree with you.

(White) people who don’t believe in cultural appropriation often try to argue that culture is fluid and necessarily something to be shared. Ultimately, Wallace arrives at the crux of the issue—and the fallacy of that argument—which is there is an inherent inequality around cultural production, and who tends to

That’s the part of the cultural appropriation discussion that I struggle with. How do you draw that line? Is Trainor only bad because her music is bad?

OK, but now I’m not sure what that leaves for white people to sing.

So, the crux of your argument is that if the music is “bad” (as judged by you and/or others...) then the artist is not allowed to draw from black influences or explore black sound... because it’s appropriating black culture to sell “bad music”