
I loved my religion classes at my Jesuit high school: Morality, The Problem of Good and Evil, Community Service . . . There were others, but these are the ones I remember. My kids won’t go because I can’t afford it, and in general they can get a good education in the local public schools, but those classes were so

I think you need to spend a year in the classroom before beginning your comparisons . . . I also worked in several law offices and considered taking the LSAT, and I can tell you that the skill sets are different, but it is not absurd to compare at least law and teaching in terms of what it takes to be really good

First, hour worked is demonstrably not true. Teachers, like many others in the income bracket targeted by this law, work many more than the booked hours. Having been one, and now working in the private sector in a standard m-f 40 he week, I will work fewer total hours this year than my dedicated former colleagues

Lawyers, doctors and teachers? One of these is (gets paid dramatically less than) not like the others.

Except that his open admiration for people who came to power through violent political action does suggest that he is willing to make room for violence in an “ends justify the means” sort of way.

Thank you for stating my feelings so well. 100% agree. It’s been a really weird elelection cycle so far . . .

In many states you are. And tour just kind a jerk if you don't

Exactly this. I admire Hillary and want her to be president for so many reasons. There is also a small part of me that wants to see those election night returns with my 8 year old daughter and see them say Madame President. I took a picture of my then infant daughter in front of the returns when Obama was elected. I

I wish I could give this 1000 stars. One of my local state reps freaking visited the Mahleur refuge on a “fact finding mission”. He also went down and held a a gun in Nevada on behalf of Cliven Bundy. Until we get these fucks out of office I don’t want to hear anybody whining about the left/lefter split in the left.

Exactly this. I was shocked that people were shocked that Obama wasn’t radical in office. All you had to do is actually look at his record and history in teaching. I also agree that Clinton is slightly left of Obama, though both have records that run back and forth near and sometimes slightly right of center (whatever

“so they’d rather endure four to eight more years of democrats than have their entire party be decimated by trump”

I have friends who teach in Seattle but have to live an hour outside of it. Ideally, teachers should matriculate at least a little in the communities they work in.

Start recommending “The Chosen” as reading material.

“A bit rapey” is a bit understatey.

We had a Michael Jackson doll also (Thriller era). Ken came home from work to a lot of interracial sexxxing. A fight in which naked Micheal kicked Ken’s ass always ensued. I don’t think we were aware of homosexuality or orgies at the time, because if so I imagine more fun would have been had betwixt the various dolls

Did the same, but also asked him to take my family name as his second middle name. Works okay.

I asked my husband to take my name as a legal second middle name and I changed it to mine as well. Our kids also have it as a second middle name. So all four of us have both mine and my husband’s family names in the mix without too much excess trouble. I don’t particularly care what my kids choose to do about the name

I love spooning sex in the morning. No worries about the breath.

You know what? I agree, but that’s not your call. Will you call 911 to report it if you were driving next to him? There does come a point when we need to say “Safety measures in place . . . not ideal, but minimally acceptable.” I prefer my new car with full curtain airbags, but I didn’t not drive my young children

Please take a statistics class with the intent of understanding it.