Or mistaken for marketing when you actually run the R&D team for a tech startup.
Or mistaken for marketing when you actually run the R&D team for a tech startup.
Exactly. She earned my vote for other reasons, but I am totally, crazy stoked that a woman is the nominee!! This is historic - a huge moment - and nobody is going to make me feel bad about being excited!
I voted for Hillary today because she is the most qualified presidential candidate. But right now? Right now I’m sobbing because she is a woman and today is fucking beautiful. Can’t wait for little kids to grow up knowing that anyone can run for president. I cannot believe that it’s finally real.
I supported her in 2008 and was crushed when Barack Obama got the nomination. I am beyond thrilled to see her take this one all the way, and I hope that Sanders supporters can suck up their disappointment and do the right thing for the world.
I keep thinking, if you don’t understand why this is important, you’ve never been one of two women in your PhD class of 15. Or one of three women in your cohort at work. Or though, maybe I’d want to do this in my career, and then remembered that 90% of people in that position are men. I cried the whole train ride home…
Whenever I think of Hillary Clinton I think of this quote from an anonymous White House staffer during Bill Clinton’s presidency, as quoted in Newsweek. They asked him (I assume the staffer was a him, I don’t remember if they specified the gender) what he thought of the Clintons and he answered “Him? Meh. Her? I’d…
Amen and well put. As a woman, I don’t think I fully understood how much I needed to see that until I saw her up there
I voted for Hillary for many reasons that had nothing to do with her being a woman. But I am fucking proud and deeply moved to see her take the stage in this historic moment. It means so much to me and other women and little girls around the country.
Her speech, with its references to Seneca Falls and all the history that came before, was in perfect tune.
I'm proud of my party today.
I had a nice glass of wine and cried some happy tears during that speech. It’s a nice night!
It truly is shameful that it took this long. It says a lot about this country.
I’m waiting for someone else to say Yay, Hillary! so that they can shoulder the brunt of the anger and conspiracy theories.
I want to be able to roll this gif out again in November. LET’S GO HILLS!
In less than a month it will have been 240 years since America declared its independence and this country began. In those 240 years there has not been a single woman as a presidential nominee of a major party. ABOUT GODDAMN TIME.
I started out as a Bernie supporter and now I’m crying happy tears because I am so damn excited that Hillary is our nominee.
“Throughout most of history and throughout most of the world today young children sleep with their parents.”
If this works for your family, great. Different things work for different people, and you should not receive any flak from anyone regarding choices that work for your family.
Both my kids were able to sleep through the night on their own from about 12 months. (we purchased Weissbluth’s Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child)
That’s terrible. I’d have my kid trained to jingle the bell by the door so they can go out and poop in the yard with the dogs.