
I believe that Geena Davis’s foundation has the numbers, based on crowd scenes in films. The 17% figure comes up in all sorts of weird places, from board rooms to grad programs, and she posits that it may be because that’s the ratio of women to men that we are used to seeing in the media. Here’s a link: http://www.holl

I’m against the death penalty in that the State should not have the right to take a human life. Now, Terry here, he has every right to end that worthless, smirking fuck’s life.

I generally bleed out of my whatever when being put in a binder.

I’m not in favor of state sanctioned execution but oddly enough I’m cool with vigilante justice. Meaning if the dad had hit his target and managed to end this dude’s life, and I was on the jury, I’d let him walk in a heartbeat.

Yeah I think thats a pretty common stance though. Most people I know are probably anti death penalty but all for having child predators and sex offenders killed. I am anyways.

I’m usually pretty anti-death penalty... but apparently there is a line in my head where it becomes the right - the only - option and that line is women in garbage bags.

This makes absolute sense and my heart aches for this man. Having said that, that's a fucking amazing picture.

It’s the 17% problem. If a crowd has 17% women, men believe the gender division is 50/50.

I can see the basis for complaint. Women didn’t even exist until the 1960s, so it’s really a disservice to cover them at all. It is a history podcast, after all, and history was written by us white men.

Raise your hand if you’ve taken your 5-year old son into the ladies room with you and no one has batted an eye?

Divisions based on T levels (or other bio markers) and not on sex. That’s interesting. I like it.

It’s different though. Kevin Durant doesn’t compete in the “mens division” because there is no such thing as a men’s divison. What we call the men’s division is really just the best athletes in that sport, period. And they are open to any human good enough to compete. There is no barrier to entry in the NBA or “mens”

Sarah, I always really enjoy your writing and this was no exception. This whole thing is so ethically murky, and I honestly don’t know if there any truly fair answers. Semenya and other intersex runners didn’t choose to be born with physical traits that give them an advantage any more than Kevin Durant did, but

Among other things it erodes the definition of “protected class.” Members of protected classes typically share some immutable characteristic: race, gender, or sexual orientation; not something so temporary and subject to change as one’s profession. Consider the logical conclusions.

Because even though I’m a liberal bordering on socialist in my own views, I see the great importance in having a conservative party. It is always wise to have a voice of moderation in governance, one that says, “Hold on now, let’s think about this, is this constitutional, is this going to drive up the deficit, etc,

Out of control military spending is a liberal canard(I am a far left liberal). Like food stamps and welfare most of that money comes back to the government through taxes. The military also employees or partially employees 15% of the population. We need to focus on revenue. That’s the real problem. We need to raise

There are very, very few people who understand this, and the intricacies of this. They want to defund defense spending and heal the US’s ills with the money, but they don’t realize the destabilizing effect it would have globally. Good luck trying to explain that to people....

You know, I know you’re talking to a group of Liberals (including me) here, but calling God “Imaginary Sky Daddy” while talking about how you’re so much smarter than conservatives is *exactly* what makes conservative people who don’t think very hard about it think that liberals are assholes.

He was generally opposed to raising taxes, but mainly because he felt the revenues were already there, it was more a matter of making government more efficient to stretch the dollar’s value.

It’s nice when people talk about how fiscally conservative their policies are and then when you point out that free birth control prevents expensive health care and welfare costs down the line, for people they don’t want reproducing anyway, or how free/cheap public housing for the homeless drives down spending for