
Have you ever heard of insurance priced in a free market in order to cover the appropriate level of risk? All the freedom loving, no government regulation, keep the government out of your life crowd that rides motorcycles wouldn’t be very happy if the government withdrew from regulating motorcycle insurance. The pool

States that don’t have helmet laws baffle me. Fine, don’t require a helmet to ride, but if you’re not wearing a helmet, there’s should be a federal law in place to allow insurance companies to triple your insurance premiums, and waive payout if you kick the bucket. It does not matter if it’s your fault or the fault

I always that that insurance companies should be able to charge motorcyclists a lot more (or not offer personal injury protection as part of the policy) states with no helmet law. If you are injured while riding with the a helmet, your insurance doesn’t cover your injuries.

It’s not that simple though. A biker without a helmet carries a societal cost of emergency services. Plus, every person that is unable to work has a negative effect on the economy

I think what the union president is saying is that moving jobs from Michigan and Ohio to lower wage states would not help the middle class. You would essentially just be bankrupting one region to move to another, but that's just how I am reading it. I see no reason for the Union to not have the desire to take every

I’m a Dem who works in the defense industry and holy hell do I spend a lot of time ‘explaining myself’. It’s like you can’t both be extremely liberal and also be like “you know, there are a lot of people who would like to literally watch us burn so maybe let’s not just sit in a circle and sing koombaya?”

I mean shit, if she IS a republican, I hope they all start aligning with her! The world would be a much better place!

He can’t keep calling his campaign a “political revolution” and then pretend it’s not his fault when people take the revolution part literally.

It is shocking that a cult of fair weather progressives, political know-nothings and privileged nihilists who want all the benefits of party membership with none of the responsibilities and accept only those rules that work in their savior’s favor would resort to bigoted slurs and violence when they don’t get their

Yeah, Clinton won her Senate election and came close to beating Obama in 2008 (that race was much closer at this point than the current one is). She’s also been voted Most Admired Woman more than ten years in a row. America likes Hillary Clinton just fine.

Nothing about Hillary Clinton’s proposals are moderate Republican. She’s left of Obama. There’s a reason why the GOP has aggressively gone after her for 30 years. Or do you have an explanation for that, too? Part of another conspiracy, maybe? Her current policies are contained by one thing: her analysis of what she

...he doesn’t have a great handle on how he’s going to enact all these changes he’s proposing...

To be fair, our nation was founded by people who got violent when they pointed out that the rules weren’t fair and were ignored when attempting to address them peacefully.

Can we please stop with the calling the 11th most liberal senator “pretty much a moderate republican?” I get it, it sounds good, but c’mon. Let’s not do this here.

“it goes without saying that I condemn any and all forms of violence, including the personal harassment of individuals.”

1) How many people were in the room is irrelevant. It’s how many DELEGATES were there. Crowds don’t count, so the fact that someone feels it is important to mention them indicates that either they don’t get how these things work or they do but feel the need to pump up their point with irrelevant data.
2) The delegates

I’ve been worried that this would happen from the beginning. During my own caucus (Idaho’s, which happened months ago) I was deeply troubled by the mob mentality of the Bernie supporters there. They were rude. They were disruptive. They booed or attempted to shout down anyone who spoke on behalf of Hillary. I was the

Bernie Sanders is more interested in feeding his ego than helping the American people. There, I said it.

The primaries are confusing and should certainly be made more transparent but to the Sanders delegates that were not registered Democrats in Nevada, c’mon!

Because Republicans fall in line and Democrats fall in love. Bernieorbust people are in love with Bernie and will not vote for the woman who beat him.