Its because he is demanding for himself (paid family leave) what he denies to others (voting against paid family leave for federal employees)
Its because he is demanding for himself (paid family leave) what he denies to others (voting against paid family leave for federal employees)
Less angry answer from someone less prone to anger than me: “Paul Ryan is not some random famous or important person. Paul Ryan makes laws! If Paul Ryan wants to put family leave on the national agenda, he is uniquely positioned to do that by virtue of his (probable) position as speaker! He is exactly the kind of…
yeah! and they even still use the term “give away” without thinking about WHY they say it. this is why I maintain that at least 50% of people getting married do it because they think they are “supposed to,” not because they actually want to.
I’m realizing just how many decisions I made as a young person that sacrificed my happiness just to keep everyone else around me happy. Too many of them are irreversible at this point. It highlights the importance of teaching young girls that their happiness is valuable, too, and that they shouldn’t have to repeatedly…
isn’t that the fucking worst?
I didn’t change my last name when I was married, mostly because I am lazy (also, I had just graduated from university and was starting grad school, and I thought it would be weird to have different last names on my diplomas). A name is a name is a name.
As a feminist I feel like any decision regarding naming is fine as long as I consciously make it. So I am a Mrs, and that is fine. I would feel better if there were a male title that indicated he was married though. Meister? Misters?
The biggest reason the US lacks resources is because of our bloated Pentagon budget. Over 54% of the federal discretionary budget goes to the DoD. We are still cranking out M1A1 Abrams tanks even though the military doesn’t want them. They go straight into mothballs. Same thing with the C-27 cargo planes. They cost…
“No other country hesitates to kick out troublemakers”
—They want their own languages and cultures that everyone else should embrace. That is not, in my opinion, the way to become an American.—
I’m assuming you’re arguing that we need a new amendment to the Constitution repealing the 14th, and not suggesting that this court is correct to ignore what the Constitution actually says, and that everyone else should start also ignoring it, simply because you don’t personally don’t like it. Or am I giving you too…
You know what’s really fucking funny about this? You’re all for it because when you think “immigrant” you think “brown.” You aren’t lamenting “troublemakers” who happen to be white. Would white kids born to white immigrants still get birthright citizenship?
Let me ask a quick question-are you a member of one of the original tribes in the United states? If so my apologies. If not, what country did your ancestors come from? Because I’m going to assume you were a beneficiary of this law when one of your immigrant ancestors had a baby and it became an American citizen.
I understand your point of view. I don’t agree with it, but I understand it. the problem with the judge’s decision is that it runs contrary to the Citizenship Clause in the constitution. if you’re born in the US, you are a citizen. you are also a citizen of the state in which you are born. if we, as a country, want to…
“Bother to show up” is poor wording that places far too much blame on a community that suffers poor job security, a lack of childcare options, and their fair share of well-earned disillusionment. Of course the answer is getting more Latinos out to vote. But it’s not a matter of “bothering” when the median income for…
Maybe you should stop arguing emotion and go read the 14th Amendment. All kids born here are US citizens. The. End.
To my dear Mexican-American brothers and sisters in Texas,
I always thought the process went something like this: