
So many anti-gun control people love to compare guns to cars. More and more, I think we need to follow their lead and treat them like cars and treat gun ownership like driving. 6-8 week courses to get licensed, culminated with a test you must pass with a high percentage. You have to be insured and licensed to purchase

LeBron is wrong.

As a lifelong Seahawks fan (Kenny Easly, anyone?) I have been on the other side of these types of scores all too often. I shall not gloat.

Note to self: Hang out with more nuns.

With the way he acknowledged Dorothy Day, I really am amazed by Cool Pope - in a good way. No one’s perfect but for my lifetime (I’m 59) it is pretty damn amazing.

American nuns have been pretty awesome for years now. So much so that Pope Benedict made a special effort to crush their political activities and moves towards operating independently of priests. I think it is great that Pope Francis is more aligned with American Catholics in general, and with our nuns in particular.

Nuns kind of strike me as being the exact opposite of Kim Davis. She’s someone who’s led a fairly complicated life and who decided to be “saved” and to take refuge in fairly extreme views in mid-life. I think a lot of nuns, or at least the sort who tend to be teachers or nurses or social workers, tend to start off

How come my family doesn’t get credit for diversifying the previously lily-white neighborhood in which I grew up by being the first black people to move in?

I’m glad the racist fuck used the word “settled”. With the number of people who reflexively roll their eyes when someone suggests gentrification is a bad thing, it’s a breath of fucking fresh air when a white person temporarily drops the facade and actually says what they mean to say minus the dog whistles. I settled

But they can also be very conservative. As a nun once told me, “Jebbies on the left, Jebbies on the right - whichever one you choose, they know how to fight.” They are extraordinarily well-educated (it takes something from 8 to 14 years of scholarship and spiritual work to become a fully-fledged Jesuit), so if you

They still are, they just don’t get press. For example, a Lutheran church I went to for a few services said right in the bulletin some of their offerings were going to help a young woman who needed an abortion. It wasn’t newsworthy or controversial in that church.

Here’s the thing; if PR is backed up with actions, actions that are truly have an impact and mean something and benefit the lesser, then I could care less about if he’s “genuinely” better. Frankly, I think the world could benefit from tons more good PR + good actions, whether there’s “genuine” feeling behind it or

You shouldn't be surprised by that Jesuits pushed some liberation theology and are generally one of the most liberal branches of the Catholic Church.

Yes, it goes beyond PR. Remember the stories of him sneaking out at night in disguise to feed and pray with the homeless in Italy? The only way the press got wind of the story was because a homeless woman told them after she recognized who he was. I think he is a legitimate good person. Flawed religion, as all are,

He’s cooler. He’s a Jesuit. They are cool and most Jesuits don't need to be cool for PR. They just are so I do believe he is cooler.

While the pope and Dorothy Day are/were anti-choice, I at least believe that they are more consistent than the so-called “pro-life” movement here. Instead of caring only for the fetus, these Catholic leaders oppose militarism, unbridled capitalism, and the death penalty. In his speech to Congress, the pope did touch

Oh please. I’m not even saying I agree with Sherman, but if you honestly think that Sherman and Trump might come to the same conclusions for the same reasons (which would be insane, but let’s go with it), but the only difference in Deadspin’s reaction is the speaker of the sentiment, then you’re willfully being obtuse.

I wish there were a way to hijack #AllLivesMatter from the conservatives and racists, because a lot of what the #BlackLivesMatter movement is fighting for is really applicable to Latino/Hispanic and American Indian communities as well.

At this level, it’s a pointless distinction.

“it’s refreshing to see athletes stop with the platitudes and engage with the most consequential debate of 2015.”