
I had no idea they could produce THAT much horsepower.... I’m running to Walmart immediately.

Yeah, but somebody in the US thought we’d like it. Considering the GM option at the time, it’s no wonder Chrysler flourished in the 90s... Looking back, the stratus is no museum piece, but compared to the contour and malibu, it was’t bad.

America did take a swing at mediocrity... So forgettable I can’t even remember how boring it was.

I honestly never liked that generation Z until just now.

Does it look better without them?

If I were to start a car company, this is exactly the concept I would employ. Though I’d use it for larger sedans and trucks.

I might have still had the floorboard had it had vinyl, the doors leaked real bad and the carpet would just soak up the water, holding it there to rust the floor. I actually bought it that way without realizing it was as bad as it was, it was cheap ($1000) and I needed something fast. Kinda wish I still had it, if

Shhh.... Don’t interrupt me. I’m having a conversation here...

On my XJ, if it hadn’t been for the carpet, I’d have had all my stuff fall out through the holes rusted in the floorboards.

Whatever we replace it with, needs to be non-slip. imagine all that crap you’ve got piled up on the floorboards coming crashing forward at every stop. Carpet at least provides some (very minimal) amount of resistance.

I think others have nailed it’s biggest issue. If it had evolved more over it’s life, it would have been a good car. Instead, Chrysler kept putting out over-produced special editions of an over-produced niche car over and over. The convertible was a nice touch when they added it, but the wood grain, and other versions

really, the b-pillar is the only thing I don’t like, if this were a 4 door hardtop, I’d be all over it.


when you find someone with a sawzall and some fiberglass, there’s all sorts of options.

not going to say that one is the best execution of a vette-wagon, but I’m ok with the idea.

I’ve got kids and a couple of 100lb dogs to move... I’d go this route.

Nope... there were 6 built.