
If only she’d been better prepared.

I think they really just need a video screen mounted to the bridge itself showing a highlight reel of the “best-of” from would give a better idea of what’s gonna happen.

let me guess, this guy was relegated to a scooter after a Mustang/Cars and Coffee indecent.

I suppose that the “N” position is for Nitro.

Interesting to note: I took a tour of the Panoz factory back in ‘03 with a group from Auburn lead by the head of engineering (also got to meet Mr. Panoz), most of the cars in the parking lot at the time were RX-7s. Mostly the 3rd gen which you can kinda see in the Esperante.

So is there now a more reliable Ferrari out there somewhere sporting a Toyota engine?

Is that an infant car seat visible in the rear window? If so, if this were in the US, I think I’d be calling DCS.

I’ve never seen that trailer configuration before. Looks incredibly top heavy.

We’ve had eye tracking software for years, it’s how Stephan Hawkins interfaces with his computer system, even most smart phones now have it to tell if you’re looking at the screen. It seems these systems could be employed to help this sort of thing. Audible alarms, or even have the car slow and maybe find a safe place

Thanks, I appreciate your thoughtful response as well.

Texting and driving is bad enough now, giving someone a false sense that it’s “ok” isn’t going to help anything.

Yes, but I also have the chance to observe them and respond accordingly.

I’m less concerned that the car is or is not self-piloted, but that not all cars are, or are not. If you have time, read this. It’s a matter of communication. Human drivers communicate and/or respond to the drivers around them. A nod at a 4 way stop to let the other person know it’s ok for them to go. A wave of the

Neither Autopilot nor the driver noticed the white side of the tractor trailer against a brightly lit sky, so the brake was not applied.”

Exactly, he may have accepted the terms of use to be on the road, but the rest of us didn’t.

So, is highspeed competitive parking a thing now?

wonder what it would cost to buy them up, do an electric conversion and resell them.